Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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These guys are a real class act [down]

I'm with you mowgoli after watching some of their other videos I agree it would have been nice if he knocked a few more of these guys over, especially since he got the beating as a repercussion.

If you honestly believe the best thing would have been to pull over and apolagize you are a moron. If he would have got out of the car with nobody around he probably would be dead. I bet the reason he's alive is because his wife called 911 during the "getaway" and/or people in the city where he got trapped saw and helped.

I would have done exactly what this driver did until the end. At the end I would have thrown it in reverse and probably ran over a couple more of the riders

And I agree with this as well.
Yes, backing off would have been the best thing here.  The bikers didn't kill him after he ran over one of them, they wouldn't have killed him if he backed off.  The more aggressive he was, the bigger of an ass whooping he bought himself., and the more danger he placed himself and his family in.

Still find it amusing that you think they (the bikers) would've handled it in a mature nature. The didn't kill him after he ran one of them over? No ****, he took off before they could smash in the window and drag him out... at which point anything could have happened... how many times have people gotten beat to DEATH in these situations where there are so many people that people begin to think that they can get away with it simply because of the chaos of the situation. He should have IMMEDIATELY had his wife call authorities and headed straight to the nearest police station when they could have had units sitting in the parking lot waiting for their arrival, and if they didn't he could have driven that thing straight through the front doors. In that situation, whether he was right or wrong, or did something to "piss them off" he had every right to defend his family in any way he could, in this instance he had a 4,000 pound SUV.

Take a look at some of these youtube videos.. I am all about having a good time, but not at the expense of others, and not in residential areas. I sure as hell stay in my lane.
at about the :17 mark, looks like he was taunting the Rover, looking at him several times just before getting in front of him and then slow down to a crawl. what a dumb ass, a few hundred pounds of sport bike vs. several thousand pounds of suv, hmmm, what did he expect was going to happen? regardless, just bad judgement by both involved initially and compounded by others. seems like a very disorganized ride, just everyone doing what they please... [down]
grego, it's self defense. It's not trying to be a badass(like the bikers were). Whether you can over take them or not, it's better to try rather than get beaten and/or killed without even putting up a fight.
No **** Grego. Come try and break into my house too and see what happens. It won't be movie that's for sure. There is a reason people carry.
If you went into attack mode, you and your familes would be..... D E A D.  WHo do you think you guys are, Charles Bronson?  DIrty Harry?  Lay off the movies.

Attack mode? Didn't say he should go into attack mode... saying he was right to go into " protect myself and my family by all means necessary, and if it means running over thug wanna be dbags so be it" mode.

Unless you have a gun and badge you are NO ONE. You have no power. Even the cops here are scared of thugs. Maybe in Texas, but not in NYC. Here the NYPD runs the streets and their curruption runs DEEP.

They NYPD are scared of thugs...yet somehow still run the streets. smh

You're full of a whole lot of stupid...aren't you? I am starting to wonder if you watched the same video the rest of us have.
Unless you have a gun and badge you are NO ONE. You have no power. Even the cops here are scared of thugs. Maybe in Texas, but not in NYC. Here the NYPD runs the streets and their curruption runs DEEP.

[confused] WHO has been watching movies?
All you guys would have been murdered in broad daylight
no but i would have defended the **** out of myself in broad daylight.

If you went into attack mode, you and your familes would be..... D E A D. WHo do you think you guys are, Charles Bronson? DIrty Harry? Lay off the movies.
most of tuff guys fail once the first couple drop.its called self preservation
You think this incident is something new in NYC?  You guys are shocked buy this video?  Just youtube the dailynews video postings.  This **** happens here everyday.  Its been happening everyday since I was a kid going to school and getting mugged on the bus.

I for one am not shocked to see this. Sorry you were beaten up as a kid, but trying to defend these bikers is asinine.
You think this incident is something new in NYC? You guys are shocked buy this video? Just youtube the dailynews video postings. This **** happens here everyday. Its been happening everyday since I was a kid going to school and getting mugged on the bus.
nyc is no different than any other big city.the same things happen in in dallas,oakland,trenton take your pick theres hundreds of them.
what's your deal man? none of us want to instigate anything or start a fight or put a dent in crime. We are just willing to defend ourselves when attacked.

Looks to me like you're a "tough guy" just like the guys in the video that picked the fight.
Its cool though, all you Charllie Bronsons come on down to NYC
been there bronx,trenton and camden are some old stomping grounds of mine.they are also **** holes and have no desire to return but not everyone gets intimidated by the streets.
Looks to me like you're a "tough guy" just like the guys in the video that picked the fight.
hes no tuff guy out of the 4 f's i would say he's a freezer or a fleaer i wouldnt go as far as saying he's a ****** but maybe