Seriously Greg, do you think we are all Canadian?
LOL @ 03firebolt9R
Huh? What's wrong with us Canadians? [confused]
We don't have guns, but we sure as hell will defend ourselves.
Seriously Greg, do you think we are all Canadian?
LOL @ 03firebolt9R
Huh? What's wrong with us Canadians?
Its cool though, all you Charllie Bronsons come on down to NYC, open up a death wish. We could use you guys down here.
just a joke s0dhi lol
Based on your attitude, why bother doing anything, ever? Just let anyone do whatever they want to you and your family, I guess. Might is right, and all.Sure you can defend yourselves, but it would only be a cool way of suicide.
Crime won't stop here or around the rest of the country. It only goes through phases. There is no such thing as a utopia and there is nothing any of you can do anything about it. Its like pissing in the ocean.
Sure you can defend yourselves, but it would only be a cool way of suicide.
nyc is no different than any other big city.the same things happen in in dallas,oakland,trenton take your pick theres hundreds of them
Stand up to 5 guys at knife point, genius, pure genius.