Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

Buellxb Forum

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Crime won't stop here or around the rest of the country.  It only goes through phases.  There is no such thing as a utopia and there is nothing any of you can do anything about it.  Its like pissing in the ocean. 

Sure you can defend yourselves, but it would only be a cool way of suicide.

Seriously? Who are you? You really haven't made a single argument that really truly relates to the events that unfolded in the video that started this thread. You can defend yourself, but it would be a cool was of suicide? What the **** does that mean? This individual in the Rover did defend himself, and unfortunately he wasn't able to get to a safe place before he was assaulted, again. Sound's like you're a bitter little man who needed to stand up for himself on the bus but never had the balls to do so. You must let everyone **** on you constantly with you're "defending yourself is suicide attitude".

Sell you're bike and go buy a Prius.
I think that driver in the rover did the same thing all of us would've done, get the hell out of there at all costs. Live to fight another day. Begging and pleading wouldn't have helped. The bikers were looking for a fight despite which side was in the right or wrong before the video started rolling.

If it were me, I'm on the gas and getting the hell out if there while calling someone for help and legal advice. Way too out numbered to talk his way out of that mess.
nyc is no different than any other big city.the same things happen in in dallas,oakland,trenton take your pick theres hundreds of them

This is very true, NYC is the only place this happens. If everyone stood up for themselves in these situations, maybe they wouldn't be as frequent or as brazen.
If the guy in the Rover changed just one bikers mind about doing something like this again....mission accomplished.
Stand up to 5 guys at knife point, genius, pure genius.

Wow, sir, you are retarded ( I mean that in the in the most politically correct manner possible) I truly believe you are a low function system. He didn't attempt to stand up to them, he attempted to flee aka protect himself and HIS FAMILY in the most sensible way possible, which happened to be placing his foot on the accelerator. Staying to fight would have likely resulted in murder, in front of his wife and child. Again, its pretty obvious that they were not going to let him "apologize" for rear ending a biker that was at fault for the accident to begin with.

You can't seem to grasp the situations in this video. He didn't stand up to them, or confront them, they surrounded the vehicle at which time they began an assault.

You obviously are bitter about something, and it stems a bit deeper than this video.
If the biker would have kept going in stead of braking in front of the range rover for an ass ****,none of this would have happened.1 guy could have prevented this from happening at all,but he wanted to be a badass in front of his buddies.gotta ride smart.If everyone could just get along
Wow man you seriously are retarded.

Come to think of it how have you survived this long?
don't be messin' with the New York Squid
they be packed, jackin and smakin' ******* in Rovers since '86

Different folks think in different ways.

Some would want to "talk" it over with the nice biker guys who boxed them in. Maybe laugh it off over some coffee at Starbucks or a banana split from Dairy Queen.

And some would want to keep their wife and daughter away from trouble. It's not the rovers fault a bunch of d-bags parked their bikes in front of his SUV....

For the record I can not stand it when bikers shut down a highway to do stunts... I fully support an 18 wheeler at full speed breaking up these activities...
could the biker have not cut him off,why shouldn`t the biker have made way for the range rover.
I love riding also,but I don`t want to be ass ****** by a car.
And whoever is in the right it would be stupid to stop with a large group of bikers all around you.Theres always at least one stupid person in the group that don`t think.
Gregoxb, You are a wanabe that has no clue what you are talking about...

I have watched your youtube vids and there is no chance that you could hang with anyone in that group. You would be in the back of the pack trying to be a part of something that made you look like a bad ass. I like how you stand up for a lifestyle you dont live..

Thugged out...

This was a very interesting video......and made me laugh a few times....
First I thought..... it was Brazil all over again. Then it was "Man he better have a full tank of gas"
then it was he sure is driving cool for a guy who is "maybe" in fear for his family's life?
Then I was like... Looks like something I would see happen in a video from china.
And here is my option....

If I was there I would have beat him.....and if his wife made a noise, I more then likely would have beat her too....the child in the car is unfortunately a victim of a bunch of bad choices made by the father.........lucky enough to only be 5 months old and not being the wiser

Is that wrong.........maybe? But caught in the heat of the moment and how things escalated so fast.........if it was one of my friends that was laying in the middle of the freeway, possibly dying?

Now I have read a lot of the childish comments about putting holes in people and talking tough, but if it was any of you guys, I would hope that you had the sence to either, not put yourself in the situation or man up and wait till the cops got there.

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