Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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Suggesting that senselessly beating an innocent man, his wife and a 2 year old child is even a possibility just show's how truly challenged you are.

The internet is great.......let's blow things even way more out of context.

Innocent man........ Went out the window when he ran over the other bikers.......What about the other guys that where ran over? What about their family's? Not the posse that chased him down?
Its cool though, all you Charllie Bronsons come on down to NYC, open up a death wish. We could use you guys down here. Bring your revolvers and clean up this town. I like your atittudes. With 50 or so of you, each of you taking out AT LEAST a 100 a piece, that will put a massive dent into crime

Ill just grab my battle axe and my batman suit and ill be on my way to clean house. ;)

For real though guys. This conversation has escalated to the point of foolishness. In a dire situation protection of your family comes first at all costs. And if that means running over a few ********* in front of you to get your family away from an angry mob, then so be it. But at the same time if anybody hurt one of my friends, regardless of it was due to some stupid action on their behalf, they would have me to answer to. BUT NOT LIKE THAT. @That being said, what happened in this video could have been easily prevented through exercise of common sense. Sadly some people are lacking in that department. As obviously displayed in both the video and on this thread.

Contrary to popular belief the world is not a perfect place. I would not be too wrong to say that **** like this happens all the time. Most people tend to take what safeties we do have for granted and forget that fact.
The internet is great.......let's blow things even way more out of context.

Innocent man........ Went out the window when he ran over the other bikers.......What about the other guys that where ran over? What about their family's?  Not the posse that chased him down?

At the time this video began, there was/is no evidence that the driver of the Rover broke any laws in any way, so yes, he is an innocent man. Then, a Squid...likely similar to yourself cut him off by inches and the abruptly slowed down in a manner at which incidental contact was made (the biker really being the one that was at fault). The "group" then surrounded his vehicle and began what one could call and assault. It's too bad more of them weren't ran the **** over, they put themselves in a position where they forced a person to take whatever means possible to protect himself. Something called SELF DEFENSE. Heard of it?

Maybe these biker boys you're defending should think about their "family" when they are out riding like full blown *******. If you think their behavior was warranted, you're obviously one of them, and I'd love to see you try to do the same to me and my family in a similar situation.
All you tough guys who are saying you would have went rouge with your SUV or gun are sad excusses for humans.

I would've gone rogue in my Prius. Get 55mpg + squish some squid = a good day!

At the time this video began, there was/is no evidence that the driver of the Rover broke any laws in any way, so yes, he is an innocent man. Then, a Squid...likely similar to yourself cut him off by inches and the abruptly slowed down in a manner at which incidental contact was made (the biker really being the one that was at fault). The "group" then surrounded his vehicle and began what one could call and assault. It's too bad more of them weren't ran the **** over, they put themselves in a position where they forced a person to take whatever means possible to protect himself. Something called SELF DEFENSE. Heard of it?

Maybe these biker boys you're defending should think about their "family" when they are out riding like full blown *******. If you think their behavior was warranted, you're obviously one of them, and I'd love to see you try to do the same to me and my family in a similar situation.

Go back to making goggles and pabst exhausts.........
My opinion is the retarded badass bikers forced the guy to run over more of the other bikers.the bad thing is the bikers were too stupid to relize it was their fault,in the first place.
bikers dont own the highway.
The driver of the Land Rover was the first to attempt murder.
I'll get your jail cell ready for your extended stay once you are found guilty of vehicular manslaughter.
So which is it? Murder or manslaughter? Is it fair to say that the SUV driver was under duress? You make it sound like he left the house saying, "Honey, grab the little one, and lets go out today and run over some bikers." I am doubtful that running over the bikers was premeditated.

Depending on what judge presides over this case, this can end bad for both parties.
I'm not sure about this. The consensus here and in other places on the net, is that the driver was justified in his actions. Clearly he was caught in the criminal activities of the riders and they turned on him. If one were to look at the character of the parties involved coupled with the videos, it's fairly easy to come to the conclusion that the bikers were, in several cases, the instigators.

This is clearly visible in this video and the other in which one of their group attempts to assault a prius driver. I wonder how many bikers the prius driver intentionally knocked or ran over?

There is a lot of debate about manhood in terms of stepping out to take a beating, shooting the bikers, fleeing. Those with a family (spouse/kids) have a much different perspective than those that don't (and may be a great deal younger).

Frankly, the general population already puts up with way too much crap from people that act like entitled, selfish jackasses. So, I don't have much sympathy for a group of law-breaking bikers that create an incident then swarm the SUV threatening the occupants, all because they couldn't shutdown a public highway to do their cool big-boy bmx tricks.
Some of you can't even read. The report clearly states that the ONLY person injured in this whole event was the driver of the suv. And not only did they drag him out of his car and beat him, they gave him lacerations. Also, it clearly states that when the bikers boxed in the suv on the highway and stopped him they were damaging his vehicle and trying to get in the door. If you are stupid enough to step out of the vehicle at that point then I feel very bad for your family that you are leaving behind in the car helpless.

You act like the suv ran down some bikers for no reason. The bikers engaged the suv, not the other way around.

Though I know using logic will not work, I should just shut up and let you be stupid.
Though I know using logic will not work, I should just shut up and let you be stupid


^ Lol I run my own company I posted that in the morning like I am doing now, before work. I dont get to stay at home all day and make vids in my parents garage and post non sense all day on a forum like you have been doing.

It wasnt a troll thread it was a event that happened and involved something we all have in common, Motorcycles.
I am starting to wonder and I feel I have a good bead on those that do have children and those that don't. You guys are asking that cooler heads prevail, but wouldn't that have to come from both sides? I am not in the mentallity that mob rules. If you are scared, get the hell out of dodge as quickly as possible! If the bikers had not boxed him in, he could have done just that. I find it funny that you ask him to pull over and take his beating like a man just for having been on the road at the wrong place and wrong time. So if someone runs into the back of your car, are you supposed to just make them get out and take their beating? You have said that you are not a threat to us or are family. Thanks for that, but if your reaction were to be like those bikers, I would have to disagree with you...
Frankly, the general population already puts up with way too much crap from people that act like entitled, selfish jackasses. So, I don't have much sympathy for a group of law-breaking bikers that create an incident then swarm the SUV threatening the occupants, all because they couldn't shutdown a public highway to do their cool big-boy bmx tricks.


Luckily the bikers provided some great video to help clear the driver. There's plenty more video on youtube to help prove his case that they are a bunch of law ignoring *****.

Go back to making goggles and pabst exhausts.........

Ew, now you're creeping on me.


After reading this thread, this is the first time I've ever been embarrassed to be a "Bueller".

Defending these ******* terrorist ANIMALS??

Encouraging the beating of an innocent woman because her scared husband attempted to flee for his family's safety??

I always thought we were "different in every sense". :(


GregoXB and squidbuellie:

Please do us a favor: Sell your Buells...TODAY.

Buy a stretched "'Busa" and a sweet plastichrome half-helmet with a point on the top.

Don't ever buy a Buell again, and don't ever post on this forum again.

99% of us here
this pretty much sums it up for all the empty cans making A LOT of noise in this thread


hey GregoXB
does your Buell go 160 mph too?
you should go read that thread to see where your headed...


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