At the time this video began, there was/is no evidence that the driver of the Rover broke any laws in any way, so yes, he is an innocent man. Then, a Squid...likely similar to yourself cut him off by inches and the abruptly slowed down in a manner at which incidental contact was made (the biker really being the one that was at fault). The "group" then surrounded his vehicle and began what one could call and assault. It's too bad more of them weren't ran the **** over, they put themselves in a position where they forced a person to take whatever means possible to protect himself. Something called SELF DEFENSE. Heard of it?
Maybe these biker boys you're defending should think about their "family" when they are out riding like full blown *******. If you think their behavior was warranted, you're obviously one of them, and I'd love to see you try to do the same to me and my family in a similar situation.