Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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I too am confused Mow
good guys wear white hats right?
and the bad guys wear black hats...right?

so what are those two doing up there, they are on opposite sides [confused]
all this homersexual stuff on a good ol fashioned pitch fork and torch burnin session.

Man o man, these interwebs kill me
you people are too ******* funny at times.


"man, your straight outa a comic book"
Sorry buddah :)

I quit this thread LOL

This guy will get of in self defense.. and rightfully so!
lol @ ali

he wasn't even arrested(because he didn't do anything wrong) so there's nothing to get off from.

There are countless things the bikers can and likely will get arrested for. One is pursuing the fleeing vehicle. Just because you have a gang doesn't make you a police officer. Not to mention the endless traffic laws they broke. Oh and beating a man half to death.
And this is just one more reason I carry. Now, I'm thinking 5 magazines for my .40 isn't enough, I need more for my family outings. I guess I'll have to start toting my AR along as well, but it's kinda hard to conceal it.

I can see the suv driver's perspective, got a small child and wife in the vehicle, I'd be more concerned for their safety than anything else. It's just like the asshats at the roc ride, they "own" the road.

Yep, I'd have shot first and asked the wife for another magazine as required. Crap like those morons did makes me EMBARRASED to be a biker or even associated with motorcycles in general. Don't get me wrong, I love to ride, but the pack mentality has got to go.

Seriously, doing a brake check 2 feet in front of a 5000 lb vehicle, how f*cking stupid do you have to be? Move over, let the guy in the suv go on his way.
Here is an updated info about this

"NEW YORK -- A man driving with his family along a New York City highway was attacked by a group of motorcyclists who chased his SUV for more than 50 blocks after it bumped into one of the bikes, which had stopped suddenly, police said.

The assault on the 33-year-old man began around 1:30 p.m. Sunday on the West Side Highway after he got into an accident with one of the bikers around 125th Street. After the driver and motorcyclist pulled over, they were quickly surrounded by 20 to 30 bikers who began damaging the victim's Range Rover, police said.

The driver, who was traveling with his wife and toddler, struck two other bikers while fleeing, police said. The other bikers gave chase, pursuing him for about 2 1/2 miles, and again surrounded the vehicle. They pulled the man from the SUV and beat him, police said.

The man was taken to a hospital where he required stitches to his face. His wife and child were not injured. The man was not charged.

On Tuesday, police arrested the biker who was involved in the initial accident. Christopher Cruz, 28, was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, endangering the welfare of a child and menacing. He was not injured in the accident.

Police said another biker suffered two broken legs after the SUV ran over him. A second biker suffered a leg injury.

Police believe some of the bikers belong to a gang known as Hollywood Stuntz. They said the motorcyclists were part of a planned but unauthorized event in which hundreds of riders gathered outside of Manhattan, with the intent of driving into Times Square en masse.
And there's the whole story that most of us were able to see.

It also appears bikers did get injured contrary to the initial report. Maybe that is a good lesson for all those idiots that were riding in that gang. But like I said before, logic doesn't work for stupid people, so probably not...
It's really sad there wasn't enough decent bikers in that group to be able to restrain their fellow members from doing harm to that family. In the large group rides I've been on over the years, it seems there are reasonable people with a level head to help diffuse a tense situation. Perhaps if there was enough of those people in that group which made themselves visible when traffic got stopped the first time, the outcome would've been much different.

It's also really sad to see the Buell group attack each other because we have different opinions on how we might have handled ourselves in that situation. Being different is the primary reason I purchased a Buell. Sharing ideas is the reason I post on a forum. Respect for one another is the reason I chose this forum over any other. I really hope the way its been going on this thread isn't an indication of how some future responses will be.
Tragic and wrong from all points of view. Classic road rage on both sides. Both riders and drivers need to think more about what they are doing on the road. I've done things both in my car and on my bike that I later think "WTF did I do that for?" I think I've learned from those experiences... hopefully. I don't see anyone in this video who is completely innocent. I ride my Ninja and my Firebolt regularly and I've always had high horsepower Mustangs but these days, I will always back down when pushed. There are too many F*cking whacko's out there. It is not worth it. You can't teach people a lesson on the road and you can't get even.... maybe that's what we should be getting from this. It's good to have an opinion about what happened. Maybe remembering this might keep us out of a situation like this. Let's respect each other's right to have their opinion regardless of whether we think they are right or wrong. This is something we should learn from; it shouldn't be something that divides us.
I do not know what happened or who is at fault. Just wanted to make some comments and give some opinions:
I think If you hit someone accidentally, in any circumstance, your obligated to stop and render aid. If you hit someone intentionally with your vehicle, especially someone on a motorcycle, bicycle, or walking, I believe that is like attempted murder with a deadly weapon. I am not a lawyer or a paid spokes person so there is no legal validity to what I say.
My opinion: If someone is being an idiot in the road, it does not mean it is okay to intentionaly run them over. My experience says that eventually a genuine idiot will eventually cause an accident that could potentially risk or lose lives as consequence of their decisions. If I was ever being an idiot.... usually life kicked my a55 and I'm glad I survived. If you accidentally hit an idiot, it does not justify intentionally running over more people even if they are idiots also. I believe in what goes around comes around. A Dad who accidentaly or intentionally hits someone riding a motorcycle for whatever reason, then intentionally runs over more people with their family in the car watching them, just might also be an idiot. I am just saying, If the reason he intentionally ran over people was to protect his family, why was he the only one who got his a55 beat? Just saying how do you know his old lady was not kicking his a55 from the front passenger seat and saying I cannot believe your such an idiot. Like Tiger Wood's ex-wife giving a club swinging lesson, my old lady would not tolerate it and expect me to be the better man in the situation or ensure I suffer the reprecussions for my idiocrosy.
Well, I'm not going to poke at this hornet's nest, but I am surprised by how quickly public opinion seems to have turned this incident into an issue of race, class, gender and gun rights; everything EXCEPT the simple breach of traffic laws by all parties.

It's also interesting to note the different spin that different media is putting on this. Some headlines read something like "Pack of crazed bikers terrorize and beat family", while others are more like "SUV driver mows over motorcyclists".
Ah, Tbone. Such a well thought out rant... Based on the wrong facts.

Fact: bike brake checked SUV.
Fact: SUV rear ended bike.
Fact: SUV stopped immediately.
Fact: SUV was *immediately* pummeled with helmets and fists, and tires were slashed.
Fact: a rider attempted to open the suv's driver door in an attempt to forcibly remove the driver from the SUV.

AFTER ALL THAT, the SUV driver took off and ran over the bikes that had intentionally caged him in. Most legal professionals would classify him fleeing the scene as a clear case of self defense, which is a far cry from attempted murder.
No matter what happens now legally, it comforts me that both parties got their servings of street justice.

up til this point I had no opinion of you as I do not know you but based upon your posts then this doozie...

you are indeed a complete ******* moron and am glad you are not anywhere near myself or I anyone I care for, you are a danger to yourself and everyone around you.
good luck in life with your attitude good sir.

Dialectic ended so there is no need to reply.

Well, I'm not going to poke at this hornet's nest, but I am surprised by how quickly public opinion seems to have turned this incident into an issue of race, class, gender and gun rights; everything EXCEPT the simple breach of traffic laws by all parties.

I don't recall anyone turning this into race, class, gender, gun rights, etc. I do see some mention about guns but didn't hear any real political talk.
So you're saying there's no circumstance that it's acceptable to plow over the bikers? What if they are firing assault rifles at you? You'd probably still get out and lock the door, tell your family to wait patiently, and try to reason with the bikers. Or so you say.

And all of us that are arguing this point would likely never be in this situation because we don't ride like ******** and surround cars taking up entire highways, brake check suv's, do stunts down the road, etc. And I bet we (I can only speak for myself) would all flee on our bikes if a vehicle was attempting to run us over. Not CHASE the vehicle.
Here's a question then I'm curious about after reading some the posts here. Apparently here's another video taken of the same group that day. What should happen when get they hit for driving down the wrong side of the street or running a red light?

From that gang's point of view their rider will have the right of way. So if anyone hits them by mistake with their car they will be in the wrong, right? And thus subject to an ass beating?

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