Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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Thanks stopie20,
You got my vote on that one. I was not able to express how you broke it down so eloquently. Just something you learn through experience and not always easy to explain. Thanks again.
Sig AR15 magpul out, tons of magazines,1point sling, Scope, holographic sights, 1700rds, taurus 24/7 pro stainless steel, high capacity mag, hydro shock loaded, 200rds, .22 long rifle holds 17 semi, 1000rds,and bullet proof sapi plates. Being safe and able to fight back when you need to priceless!
Can I sum up the "moderate" view thusly?:

I was just talking to someone about how, on a 6800 mile trip, I didn't once drop my bike, cause a traffic issue, get too close to a vehicle, or otherwise endanger myself or others. I wanted to make it home. I absolutely do not think the injured motorcyclist "deserved" to get run over. But certainly the odds were against everyone in that group - someone, eventually, was going to get injured. That it happened to someone that was (according to reports) trying to assist someone else is definitely not good. But the blame for his injuries rests on the shoulders of his group of motorcyclists, not the SUV driver.

The massively injured rider was reportedly also riding on a suspended license. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Should that be considered a strike against him? I'm not so sure. I would say that his actions *that day* are what should be considered, not what he might have done prior. Same goes for the rider that brake-checked the SUV and lit the fuse on the rest of the events. I really don't care what his background is, criminal or not. His actions *that day* were sketchy and I'd like him to be judged solely on that.

I've read posts about the two injured motorcyclists, their police records, etc. I really wish it wouldn't get brought up. It doesn't matter. What matters is what happened that got those two guys injured, and a third man slashed and beaten. Zoom out from motorcycles. Take away the SUV. What you have is a riot in the street and a man trying to escape. Hell I don't even care that his family was with him. To me that doesn't even come into play. If he was alone his escape attempt was justified.
More guns = less crime. Not a joke its a fact. Ask Texas and any other US state that have loosened there law on firearms![up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up][up]
Ask Texas
if that happened here there would have been more bikers killed either the driver of the suv would have been armed or a person on the street would have put a stop to it when they started breaking his windows out.
I remember a town in Illinois called Downers Grove, that had a lot of guns and they outlawed them in the town and as a resident I think you had to turn them in somewhere or just get rid of them, vague memory. Being within striking distance of Chicago the crime rate shot up. Of the residents who stayed, as some left that city, trained guard dogs became a commodity there as well as refined dog training techniques. This city shot up as one of the safest and preferred places to live. I just remember going there as a kid and seeing a lot of German Shephards, Dobermans, St Barnards, etc.... Growing up in Chicago my family had a single trained German Shephard from DG & he did some amazing stuff. He broke off a heavy chain and ran over a mile to Kennedy high school to protect my twin cousins when they were being jumped by a gang. This dog kicked A55!!! 125 lb pound can of whoop a55.
Sorry, am I going to trust my life with a dog vs an attacker or a gun? Gun wins every time.[smirk]
I'd like both... Gun and big dog. Haha!

You don't see the K9 cops leaving their guns at home do you.
We have actually had some douche up here that has been driving around in his truck pulling his gun on bikers. I don't think anything has ever come of it other than the guy pulling the gun to scare people, but it's on riders that are being responsible and some of us actually carry. I know he's had one mirror knocked off because someone saw what was going on and did the necessary to divert his attention from other riders.

****** situations are everywhere this summer it seems.
How many times have you heard of a civilian stopping a guy with a rifle or an unholstered pistol?

It happens, it just doesn't get reported.
It would be interesting to see some stats on that, I really do not have a preference or knowledge just some experience with a K9. For close quarter protection I think a well trained canine might be up there, wish I had the data so I could respond better.
I'd be okay with a canine if I wasn't allergic, but it would keep me out of some pain from being shot again.
gregoxb said:
Colorado James Holmes movie theater massacre.
Virginia Tech.
Waco Texas. And FREQUENT 4-5 kill shooting sprees, like just recently in the news.
Hennard, George Pierre, Texas, 23 kills.
Unruh, Howard Barton, NJ 13 kills
Pough, James Edward, Florida 11kills
********, Michael Kenneth 10 kills Alabama

The list goes on and on and on to include KS, WY, NE, UT, AK, MS, MO, GA, etc. etc. etc.

grego is either a politician or one of the bikers in the video.
More guns = less violence? Hm not sure I agree with that.

Colorado James Holmes movie theater massacre.
Virginia Tech.

Ok, I will stop here, it's pointless to go any further along this path. Cite shootings. IN NO GUN ZONES. Yeah, how did that work out for them? Just ONE person there with a CCW could have put a stop to every one that you listed. JUST ONE. That's all it takes is one armed citizen. Cops weren't around, it was a posted gun free zone. You think that criminals give a **** about laws if they're getting ready to commit a crime? Didn't think so. You need to get a grip on reality pretty soon, maybe wake up from your dream world.

I live in a relatively low crime rate area, it has a fairly high percentage of police roaming about, but even with a 3-4 minute response time, it's too damn late for them to do anything more than fill out a report if there's someone out to cause mischief. Arm yourself and be prepared to defend yourself and loved ones.
I personally LOVE the fact that NY has the strictest gun laws in the country. I feel MUCH safer.
roflmmfao says the guy living in one of the cities with the toughest gun laws and highest crime.

NYC is actually 46 on the list of cities with the highest crime rate in 2011.

These nine cities account for 5.9% of the U.S. population and 20.7% of all the murders in the country.




Per 100,000

















St. Louis








New Orleans




Wash DC




Los Angeles



Next time you post about massacre's post somewhere that allows guns, and guns were present, and dont question the fact that some bases have been attacked because military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms on base.