I am biased, my son was in his early 20's when he was hit on the service road of 190 in Dallas on his Ninja. A car ran the stop sign and t boned him at a high rate of speed and did not stop. The car driver dragged the Ninja for over a quarter mile before he stopped just to get the bike unembedded from his car down the service road. He kept fleeing and did not look back. How I know this is a lady in her mini-van with her husband and children were directly behind my son when it happened and got all the details including the make, color and partial license plate of the car. The husband was a biker and also rode a Ninja just like my son, he said what he had seen that car do appeared to target my son on the motorcycle since the car appeared to speed up as to make the connection with the motorcycle. The husband told me that after witnessing what happened there is no telling what he would have done to the driver of the car after what he witnessed. This guy was a total stranger to my son, so I imagine if he was a friend, a brother, or a father. It is universal you don't hit or run over people for any reason as the reaction will be the same, regardless of the facts, situations, laws broken, rules followed, etc... you don't run over people period. Driving is not a right, it is a privilege in this country that many people lose. When you get a license it gives you the privilege to drive a car, not the right to run over people in any circumstance period! Again I am biased.