Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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Grego, you are entitled to your opinion not matter how insanely flawed and ridiculous!! You say that tthey were only going after the driver, well how about when they shattered the window, glass flying everywhere in the car! The mental trauma of seeing what happened to the father? I think you should probably rethink your position. I don't like the fact that anyone got hurt in this but the bikers in this situation should be punished to the full extent of the law and as for the guys that got hurt, well its really their own fault for being so stupid to even get involved. And for the guy that said earlier that he would have even beat the wife for making a noise while you were beating her husband, you are a special kind of stupid!!
I am biased, my son was in his early 20's when he was hit on the service road of 190 in Dallas on his Ninja. A car ran the stop sign and t boned him at a high rate of speed and did not stop. The car driver dragged the Ninja for over a quarter mile before he stopped just to get the bike unembedded from his car down the service road. He kept fleeing and did not look back. How I know this is a lady in her mini-van with her husband and children were directly behind my son when it happened and got all the details including the make, color and partial license plate of the car. The husband was a biker and also rode a Ninja just like my son, he said what he had seen that car do appeared to target my son on the motorcycle since the car appeared to speed up as to make the connection with the motorcycle. The husband told me that after witnessing what happened there is no telling what he would have done to the driver of the car after what he witnessed. This guy was a total stranger to my son, so I imagine if he was a friend, a brother, or a father. It is universal you don't hit or run over people for any reason as the reaction will be the same, regardless of the facts, situations, laws broken, rules followed, etc... you don't run over people period. Driving is not a right, it is a privilege in this country that many people lose. When you get a license it gives you the privilege to drive a car, not the right to run over people in any circumstance period! Again I am biased.
Again - the bikers (and yes I paint the entire group with the INTENT TO DO HARM brush) wanted to do harm....Someone was hurt, yes.  But that was due to the ENTIRE GROUP OF RIDERS - yes every last one of them - being involved in illegal activities.  Is there something you aren't comprehending about this?
Lotus, your'e aware that being arrogant and being right are not the same things, yes? [confused]

The law sees each of the bikers as free individuals, some of them punishable, others innocent, and so do I.:p
Tbone, That sucks about what happened, but it's entirely different from the situation here.
Apparently you are not allowed to be on the road when they are and if you are you will get punked and have your car punched. These guys are a bunch of *********.

When you get a license it gives you the privilege to drive a car, not the right to run over people in any circumstance period! Again I am biased.

That's exactly right there 'TBone'. And Edwin Mieses Jr, the person who got run over, lost that privilege some time ago. Andover Police Log. Interesting he was arrested along with Jesus Jones who had an outstanding warrant.

None of those people riding in that mob had any regard for themselves, the law, the people they ride with, or anyone else. Take off the blinders and watch their rides. With that many people, committing that many traffic violations in that traffic, someone is bound to get hurt. They aren't sensitive to anyone else on the roads, so why should we feel any empathy towards them?
I can't believe any of those riders cared about who was run over. It was just false loyalty and an excuse to act out.
It's a shame residence of NYC can't carry. There'd be significantly less of what's in that video ^.

As the biker's mother said "the media is making it out that the biker's are the bad guys, but they are the good guys". Ok mam...
Grego.... Just stop posting....

Seriously will a mod lock this thread?!? Already. Not for censorship, just to end this, dare i say? "arguement". (More like a one-sided beat down, 1190rs vs a blast on the track. Grego being the blast of course and Shawn Higbee on the 1190)
Just getting my $.02 in here before the lock...

Right at 0:29 you can see one of the riders jerking from the SUV as if he's trying to yank the door open. A couple more yanks and the SUV takes off. One rider, white/orange bike, even moves out of the way as if it's apparent the SUV is going to try to leave.

If a group of bikers did that to me, and tried to gain entry into my vehicle like that, I'd do the same.
While I don't agree with anything that grego has said in here, he's trying to prove a valid point in the above videos.

We think it will all play out one way in our heads and in reality it probably would not play out that way. Now it might be a better or worse way, who knows...

I've gone over scenarios in my head a 100 times on what I think I would do in different cases and it wouldn't take much to change them to a completely different outcome.

Just be safe guys and girls. Use your best judgment. Whether you want to stand outside your locked vehicle in the middle of the highway and get beat up or decide to push some folks out of your way or decide to shoot someone... just be careful and in the end its the judicial system that will say good job or your an idiot, if things go okay and you make it out alive of whatever situation it is.
Lotus, your'e aware that being arrogant and being right are not the same things, yes?

The law sees each of the bikers as free individuals, some of them punishable, others innocent, and so do I.

Not sure I'm using the quote function correctly.
So in the 7 other videos you are saying that the guy that got run over was the ONE bike rider that didn't break multiple laws over a long period of time? If the law sees each biker individually - and I agree it should - then each and every biker on the video breaks more than a few laws. The man that was run over? He was trying to help a friend and that is the ONLY good decision he made that day. It is not arrogant to say that every last rider in that group was riding like a squid. There is a LOT of evidence for that.

I'll tell you what. You point out this rider, out of all of them, that didn't have a blatant disregard for others, the law, the safety of those around him, and I'll go back on my statement.
You know I have a post for Grego. You are making the same mistake the rest of those bikers did in the video. You don't know most of us. You don't know what we would do in that situation. You don't know what each of us is capable of. That's the same mentality those bikers had. They figured the gentleman in the Range Rover would just back down. And he didn't do what they thought he would. They underestimated him and it got one of them hurt.
On a lighter note... Is anyone else impressed at how well the range rover can drive directly over a motorcycle with out sustaining any mechanical damage. In the zombie apocalypse I am so hijacking a range rover!

Seriously though, looks to me like a few f#@k tards in the pack really did their duty of further sowering the public opinion of sport bike riders. Bravo, morons! I don't blame the rr driver for fleeing at all. Wish he could of done it without having to hurt someone, but he did what he had to.
On a lighter note... Is anyone else impressed at how well the range rover can drive directly over a motorcycle with out sustaining any mechanical damage. In the zombie apocalypse I am so hijacking a range rover!

My thoughts exactly. And going 4 miles on slashed tires at highway speeds? Good advertising. If only they used bullet proof glass... lol
Having a wife (and mother to my children) that rides, this is one of my biggest concerns. While we don't ride with any clubs or sizable groups, I believe (and have seen) that in general drivers today will use their larger and safer vehicles to "bull" their way into and out of traffic, including groups of bikes.
I could only imagine if my wife were to stop and confront a driver after being cut-off, swerved at, or just plain pushed out of the way and was subsequently run-over, injured, or killed I would not be concerned with what my wife had done to "deserve" being run over at all.... That driver, I prey I never meet him, would not escape with his life.