Range Rover Runs Over Bikers

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I don't recall anyone turning this into race, class, gender, gun rights, etc. I do see some mention about guns but didn't hear any real political talk.
I wasn't referring to folks on THIS forum specifically, but having said that, there’s some pretty idiotic stuff being said here too.
So let me be clear on this: Everything that occurred in that video was 100% the fault of the motorcyclists. There is no standpoint from which it can be said the the driver of the car was at *fault* for anything that happened. As a motorcycle rider I take exception to any statement, idea, or thought that would place blame on the SUV driver or his actions. He was hit *intentionally* by a motorcycle, not the other way around. When confronted with a group of people that were demonstrably going to injure him - he fled. That is not a "hit and run" nor is it attempted murder, assault, or a moving violation. I commend him for running over the motorcyclists in his way and would recommend others do the very same in a similar situation.

Anyone stating that the SUV driver was in any way to blame, or that calls for his blood for running over people, is doing a MAJOR disservice to the average, safe, sane motorcyclist. These riders are militant law-breakers. They are guilty of assault and countless moving violations at the VERY least. In the motorcycling community these people should be shunned, admonished, avoided, and possibly jailed. Their collective actions were that of a mob bent on causing endangerment to the public.
Several comments also state that the SUV driver "should have pulled over to let them by". I can't even begin to explain how wrong that is. The road is a shared public place. It is not "owned" by anyone, much less a group of thugs with little to no sense. At that the driver had little time to respond to the situation and was boxed in - he could not have moved over without swiping other bikers. The solution? A biker pulls dangerously close and slows down (and yes, hits the brakes) - causing a collision. Intentional, yes. ANY motorcycle rider that intentionally hits a car is not to be defended. That is the action of someone that is dangerous to himself and others.

Pull over and let them by? Why? This is not an old west movie where laws are made by roving bands of ********. The crimes committed were done so solely by people on motorcycles. Get those people off the streets by any means necessary. If it means running them over - so be it. I say that as someone that owns a bike. You are in fear for your life, surrounded by a large number of people that *quite plainly* don't care about laws or their own safety. What would you do?
No - the "why" is because a group of thugs thought it would be fun to beat up a guy for operating a vehicle on the road. The fact that it was car vs bike is completely meaningless. It was one guy vs group of bullies. He fled, and rightly so. On of the guys got hurt? So? The difference is that the bikers were INTENDING to hurt the SUV driver. The SUV driver was only trying to get away.

Grego - if you don't understand the difference then may we never cross paths. The thought of you operating heavy machinery is frightening.
Interesting photos from the scene...


Wow, this is crazy I saw this post when there was no comments and didnt want to reply because I couldnt watch the video and knew nothing of the incident. Well I wasnt there and still dont know what happend other than what I saw on youtube and the news. So with that being said I am going to refrain from commenting on who was right and who was wrong. If I knew the whole story and the driver truely was at fault and truely did try to kill some of my biker brothers then I would say that guy gets whats coming, until I realized there was a child there at which point things would totally change the would have only been restrained. Some of you may say you dont know that you would react that way because you were not there, well actually a guy did almost hit me and I chased him down used my bike "not smart" to force him to pull over jumped off my bike "not smart" ran to his suv took my helmet off to use as a weapon "not smart" started cursing him out saw a wife and daughter when he cracked the window appoligizing at which point I listend and then rode away. Now if this situation went the other way and it was all the bikers fault and people were out for blood this was wrong as well. So please no one attack me on this post because I am not justifing any sides actions. Ride a Buell and have a good time.
The whole thing on the bikers half got way out of hand. The guy in the suv was SCARED for his self and family. The bottom line is NO ONE IS A WINNER HERE !
I was home today, looking at my beloved XB12s, thinking about how I've enjoyed the many trips I've taken and admiring all the work I've done on the bike. And I particularly spent time reminiscing how most of my trips over the past two decades have been with only a few really good friends with whom I've ridden tens of thousands of miles. And as a gentle smile formed on my face, and tears collected under my eyes, I remembered all the stupid crap GregoXB has been spewing. So I got into my Prius, revved the engine (it's a hybrid, so it doesn't really rev), put it into Drive and then ran right into my XB12s. I then put it in Reverse and proceeded to run over the XB12s again. And again and again. Then I set the whole wreck on fire.

/end comic relief
It was one guy vs group of bullies.  He fled, and rightly so.  On of the guys got hurt?  So?  The difference is that the bikers were INTENDING to hurt the SUV driver.  The SUV driver was only trying to get away.
I'd suggest it's important to avoid the temptation of painting all "the bikers" with the same brush.

I prefer to ride alone (on pavement at least) but I have participated in large group rides before where I couldn't even tell you the name of the rider next to me let alone be accountable for his/her actions.

The rider who got run over & paralyzed was in the midst of performing his legal duty to remain at the scene & render assistance to the rider who was hit when he brake-checked the SUV. Let's leave the stereo-typing of riders to the cagers.
Ali that was funny!
As to this issue...the whole thing is bad. The bikers initially caused this and the driver panicked. What happened after is open for debate. I believe those bikers have made all of us look bad and I don't condone any of their actions.
Here is my dilemma:
If I watched one of my own get run over I honestly think I would have reacted in a similar very violent fashion. I again don't condone this....but it's easy for everyone to second guess and judge without adrenaline pumping. Right wrong or in different one of those bikers is in a coma right now.
yea saw that also saw the video of his mother crying.better him than the guy with the kid.if your going to hang with a bunch of thugs be prepared to pay the price.i gotta friend that road raged on a guy in 85 he only hit him once the guy died and he got 35 years all because the guy turned in front of him.
Again - the bikers (and yes I paint the entire group with the INTENT TO DO HARM brush) wanted to do harm. The SUV driver merely wanted to flee. The driver didn't attack anyone. Someone was hurt, yes. But that was due to the ENTIRE GROUP OF RIDERS - yes every last one of them - being involved in illegal activities. Is there something you aren't comprehending about this?
But the fact remains. The bikers only attacked the male operator of the vehicle. The child and the mother were left unharmed.

no father or husband worth a **** would take that chance.there are plenty of times where the whole family is assulted or worse killed if you dont get that theres really no helping you and i feel for your wife and kids.
and another motorcyclist turned himself in Tuesday.

This really says it all - even one of the bikers knows what they did was wrong. At least one of them has some sense and a conscious and did the right thing.

He's never going to walk again.

Good, he will be off the streets therefore not causing trouble

Yeah grego we can post pics of the bloody beat up guy too, the difference is he didn't do anything but try to escape.

There's a reason he wasn't arrested, the bikers were, and they are searching for more of the bikers to arrest.

If you still believe the biker's are not at fault after more and more facts come up proving that they are, then you are just being stubborn because you don't want to admit you were wrong.

Yeah there are probably a couple good guys in the gang but unfortunately for them they choose to get involved with that group of punks and so they get stereotyped into that crowd. I say good job on the guy that turned himself in though.
Exactly. One picture does not prove anything on either side of the story. If you read it all and look at all the pictures, video, info, and don't take things out of context, there's only one logical conclusion. I'm glad the police are pursuing so aggressively. When things like this happen and people get off light it only sparks more people to do similar things because there aren't consequences.
Try to attack me in the middle of the highway with my family in the car and I'll try my best to make sure you don't need any machines hooked up to you. (Like the guy above)....

....Just a sheet over your head.