So let me be clear on this: Everything that occurred in that video was 100% the fault of the motorcyclists. There is no standpoint from which it can be said the the driver of the car was at *fault* for anything that happened. As a motorcycle rider I take exception to any statement, idea, or thought that would place blame on the SUV driver or his actions. He was hit *intentionally* by a motorcycle, not the other way around. When confronted with a group of people that were demonstrably going to injure him - he fled. That is not a "hit and run" nor is it attempted murder, assault, or a moving violation. I commend him for running over the motorcyclists in his way and would recommend others do the very same in a similar situation.
Anyone stating that the SUV driver was in any way to blame, or that calls for his blood for running over people, is doing a MAJOR disservice to the average, safe, sane motorcyclist. These riders are militant law-breakers. They are guilty of assault and countless moving violations at the VERY least. In the motorcycling community these people should be shunned, admonished, avoided, and possibly jailed. Their collective actions were that of a mob bent on causing endangerment to the public.
Several comments also state that the SUV driver "should have pulled over to let them by". I can't even begin to explain how wrong that is. The road is a shared public place. It is not "owned" by anyone, much less a group of thugs with little to no sense. At that the driver had little time to respond to the situation and was boxed in - he could not have moved over without swiping other bikers. The solution? A biker pulls dangerously close and slows down (and yes, hits the brakes) - causing a collision. Intentional, yes. ANY motorcycle rider that intentionally hits a car is not to be defended. That is the action of someone that is dangerous to himself and others.
Pull over and let them by? Why? This is not an old west movie where laws are made by roving bands of ********. The crimes committed were done so solely by people on motorcycles. Get those people off the streets by any means necessary. If it means running them over - so be it. I say that as someone that owns a bike. You are in fear for your life, surrounded by a large number of people that *quite plainly* don't care about laws or their own safety. What would you do?