Rattle CAN frame paint??

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
Nebraska City, NE
Need some poof can frame paint.. the charcoal grey metallic satin thats on the 07's ne body know where to get somethin perdy damn close. I assume u can buy some from HD but if ne one knows of like a duplicolor # or somethin that matched that'd be great. if not ill just mix some base coat but i'd rather save some time and just aerasol it. ( just paintin my upper bar clamp.)
those are for people without your talent.the 25.00 price lets them think the finish will be better than the 8.00 paint.:)
Dude I SWEAR by the Buell rattle can paint!


haha yeah im just bein lazy... i dont wanna drag my parts to work. my upper clamp for my GPR came raw aluminum and id like it to look like the stocker. It'd be much easier to bring some poof can etchprime home and poof it grey. Maybe ill go thru the colors @ o-reillys and c if theres ne thing close.
Jake I like how in your second pic you added sliders, I find that funny.

I got screwed! I bought the same rattle can Jakestolar, but when I was done there werent any sliders on my swing arm! :D
Mad-skills there Stolar, lol.. just workin' your magic eh'..

BitchenXb... damn fine work, brah.. you got skills too [up]!
I've used the Buell frame spray paint and was dissapointed. It comes out more glossy than the original finish.
I've used the Buell frame spray paint and was dissapointed. It comes out more glossy than the original finish.

I'm no painter, but maybe finish difference is a result of being out in the elements and causing a slight degredation of the original paint? just a thought?
I'm no painter, but maybe finish difference is a result of being out in the elements and causing a slight degredation of the original paint? just a thought?
probably a lil netty, but i doubt the rattle can is the exct same type of paint as the original. The poof can is prolly laquer and the original is could be urathane or activated enamel. it is definetly perdy close from what ive seen in most pics.
probably a lil netty, but i doubt the rattle can is the exct same type of paint as the original. The poof can is prolly laquer and the original is could be urathane or activated enamel. it is definetly perdy close from what ive seen in most pics.

[up]makes sense bagger!
Dumb question here, but what type of prep did you guys do? Wet sanding any scratches? Did you use different grits? I've never had to fix any scratches like this before. PO scratched swingarm and I want to fix it!
I did wet sand, used aluminum primer followed up with frame paint. don't remember what grit, it's been some time since doing it and don't have any more to see what it was. wax and grease remover or alcohol after cleaning off the sanding residue before primer and paint. tape everything off that you don't want over spray on and a drop cloth also comes in handy if you're painting the frame or swing arm while mounted. take your time, prep is everything...

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