really need some help people. I can't figure this out!!!!!!!!!

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Sep 13, 2009
Ok so I hop on my xb12r, drive two blocks up the road to the gas station and fill up for work tomorrow. I go inside pay for my fuel and get back on the bike, turn the key and the gauges don't even jump. I put the battery on a charger until it stores power, but still I get nothing. I know its not the plugs because they are what ignite the fuel. Could it be wiring or a fuse somewhere. I mean the bike is getting no power at all. How could it mess up in that short of time without me noticing the problem earlier. It will not turn over, the lights stay off, and the horn does not work. Does anyone have any input as to what the problem could be?????[mad]
starter relay? I know in the fuse box under your seat you can switch one to that spot and it should get you back going until you can get another one. If indeed this is the problem, then pick up two and store it in the spare spot in the fuse box. Can't be certain, and I am sure someone with more electrical experience will chime in.

Check your fuse box on the right of your gauges behind your fairing. Your relay box is on the left side of gauges. Check your fuses.
ok i got into the fuse box.... i replaced the key switch fuse. Now the fan comes on when I connect the battery but I still have no power to my gauges or lights and it refuses to turn over or even click like its tryin to.
also under my seat the only fuse I find is the big 30 hooked up to my negative cable... but nothin is wrong with it
if ur battery is not charging at all, then it wasnt charging before u broke down & it was completely drained( the pos cells & neg cells were not polarizing). Try charging it by itself, out of the bike. If no good, the battery is toast. Then u might want to look into ur charging system (voltage regulator; stator; ecm)
Can you put a multimeter across the battery terminals and get a voltage reading?

If the fan is coming on that would hint that it's not the battery though. Check all the grounds on the bike, maybe something is loose.

Since you already replaced the keyswitch fuse I assume you checked the rest of the fuses?
yeah the battery charges on its on 07bolt... so I'm guessing its a fuse. I checked all of the regular ones, but what is that box with three big fuses? They say key switch, start, and ignition is there a way to look at those and see if they're blown
check those 3 switches 4 burn/heat marks around the tabs/connectors.

maybe a shot in the dark...but

the same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago. (2007XB9R) I rode all day, pulled up to the gas station, put in gas, went to start & CLICKITY,CLICKITY,CLICKITY, turns out the VR plug [77] melted. Which is common for 03-07. 08's have updated connectors. They make a replacement kit (Y1312.02A8). Main fuse was OK; other fuses OK; Battery OK (by itself). So the battery ran on what voltage it had until BLEEP, no more voltage.

Grab a test light & diagnose the VR/Stator plugs; I even tested with ECM. But found that the ENGINE ON/OFF switch was drawing lots of current too.
If its not clicking at all, start with the most obvious; ur battery checked good. Check the start/switch itself for water/corrosion. Check ur grounds leading up to battery. If u have accessories, check them 4 excessive current draw.
I don't a heck of a lot however the first place I would go to is the battery connectors to make sure they are clean.Then check the battery to see how weak it is.My friend had the same problem and he cleaned the terminals and found his battery weak then put a new one in and wammo good as new !!!!Good luck