Reason #3 why AZ Riding Sucks

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Feb 25, 2009
On my commute to work this morning, I'm buzzin along at 70mph on the freeway.
I was cruisin the HOV lane until I ran into some traffic, move to the left lane to pass and as soon as I moved over I got hit by a shredded semi truck tire. It hit the right side of my fairing and right fork tube. It tore my right turn signal off, and left skid marks on my fork tube (and my pants). After shredding my turn signal it hit me in my knee cap. Now I walk around like a gimp and I need to spend time buffing out tire tracks.


like it was coming off the truck and in mid-air or it was kicked up into you? If the truck was there I'd have had him pull over.
Alligator treads can be a Bitch, I hit two on one low viability ride a couple years ago heading home on I17, they are not fun.
Glad you're alright, the bike can be fixed, be thankful that it wasn't any higher, or like the older split ring rims, I had one of those take out the side of a truck I driving when it blew.
Yea Ophawk, I hear you.

If I would have gotten hit in the chest or head, it would have been lights out. It was a big enough chunk to where I would have came off the bike.

US-60 is like a minefield of Alligator Treads
Wow that's crazy. Did you get the trucks info?

Its good to hear that you're ok. Did you have on any knee pads?
when I got hit, all I was thinking was keeping it rightside up.

And no, no knee pads. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and my helmet of course.

I might start riding around with bubble wrap all over.
Just out of curiosity (sorry, i've been away from the forum for a week) but what are reasons 1 and 2?
I've had a few issues around here.

1st issue was being run off (into the shoulder) the road by a Soccer Mom
2nd - IT'S HOT AS CRAP HERE! it's 109 degrees here today.

well reasons 1 and 3 could happen anywhere. just be glad we can ride year round here :)
and glad you didn't have any worse trouble midnight!

My cousin never fails to tell me the story at every family reunion that one of her friends got knocked off their bike and died cause a truck blew a tire and it hit them in the head.
Yeah ok, bad luck and circumstances...but I think i've heard it enough-besides which, that's not going to make me stop riding.
Happy your ok man had a close call my self on the trip home the road in chicago looked like a mine feild of tire piece few miles up was a truck on the shoulder happy i was a few minutes behind and not right behind it
That's why every time I pass a semi I move over as far left as possible, its a fear that's always in the back of my mind riding down the highway.
Baja - I do the same thing. this isn't my first time getting hit with Tire. The first time was 3 months after getting my first bike, I was passing a semi, and the tire blew right as I passed. I got hit it the face (full face helmet) with a chunk of metal. Luckily it was a small piece.

I saw a trucker tire blow from 2 cars back; sounded like a 12 gauge, looked like a grenade went off. rubber flyin across 4 lanes,smackin the of smoke.
Glad you're ok...Better a chunk of rubber then a 6 foot pry bar in Baltimore, I always say, lol.

Seriously, glad you kept it together....ride safe.