Rebound question.

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Maybe you should contact Traxxion dynamics or take you machine to a shop that sets up race bikes and tell them what you want to do........This thread is starting to hurt my brain.
OMG!! Look if you don't understand the manual you should of had someone that can do forks do yours. Maybe some one on here will write a blow by blow write up. But it won't be me. Call me a d- ck I don't care.
Or Pm that... idk
Ah leave it up for the archives, someone will eventually find they have the same issue so I made it searchable. By then I will have sorted it out and maybe I'll do the 'how to' with pictures. I’m patient and like I say it’s no big deal... case closed.

Hey as for the popcorn. They say when your kids or grand kids get moody, angry or aggressive you should suspect drugs. Not true, when everything seems normal in house probably he or she is just a member of a few forums :) I’m too old and ugly to engage so I will mosey on back over to the Harley forums and brag about what good fellows you all are. Keep an eye out for a green one and hey I saw a red one today! Met me head on. Felt like we had a moment but then might be an axe murderer so behave yourselves Buellers.
Hey that's me!

Yeah, been super busy at work and when not at work, working on my white bike... Anywho... Basically got to the point of you guys figuring out that was me in the video and just skimmed the rest...
Ok, read it for the most part, got ugly quick. You can disassemble the forks on the bike, but weather or not you have the room to get to the dampening rod adjustment is another thing. As you can see in the pic below with my forks apart and the bike all the way down, you can't get to it, but this is a SCG woth the lowered suspension, and the dampening rod is fully compressed as well. A taller bike will give you more room, but I'm not 100% sure if you can reach it. Even if you can, it will be easier to remove them from the bike.


Anyways, if you decide to try, here is how. You need to properly hold the back with a bike stand, or a rod through the axle and some jack stands. Out a jack under the muffler (if stock) or the engine. Jack it up so the tire is just barely touching the ground. Then you can disassemble the top of the fork like in the video on the first page.
MUCH OBLIGED! Was PMing you at the same time so disregard and YOU are the man of the hour! I see it, I got it, and it is understood :)
Hey that's me!

Yeah, been super busy at work and when not at work, working on my white bike... Anywho... Basically got to the point of you guys figuring out that was me in the video and just skimmed the rest...

AZmidget91 , Wow thats you , Kool . I watched your video like 3 times before I did my forks a while back. thx