Redline-- Really how often?

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I have more sense than to redline a bike on the streets. I hope all who do lose thier license immediately and not their lives or the ones around them.

whats so dangerous about that? i routinely drive on 55 mph roads with traffic lights. whats so bad about accelerating fast. even redline in 3rd isnt that fast on these bikes.

preach on brotha
lesley, i appreciate the enthusiasm but your analogy is shakier than Muhammad Ali.

your comparing standing in the middle of the road openly shooting a firearm to grabbing a handfull of throttle on a bike.

let me put it into perspective: one is criminal conduct. the other makes your bike go fast.

if you openly shoot a gun in ANY direction in the middle of the street, you're liable to get tazed or even shot yourself - good luck with that.

if you wide open your bike from 20-60mph, you're not going to go to jail.

and i think 95% of people would be more afraid of a little bullet that can pierce vehicles and bodies as opposed to a motorcyle that will disintegrate in a crash and more than likely only kill the rider.....
The problem is that most riders ride like jack *****. 9 out of 10 bikers I see on the road race through neighbor hoods, pass cars on the shoulder, wrong side of the road, or in between lanes, etc.

Granted I pass sometimes but I do it where I can't harm anyone(no side streets, driveways, etc.). Most bikers give the rest of us a bad name.

And I'd say a bike is comparable to a handgun, both can be very deadly in the wrong hands. I'd probably be more afraid of the bike. You can legally shoot someone who is shooting at you, but I don't think you're allowed to shoot someone who is riding a bike recklessness around you lol.

Most people just want to look cool. A "busa" pulled up behind me on my way to work yesterday, I was on my bike, he had a 9 foot long swingarm, neon lights everywhere, flip flops, khaki shorts, tshirt, and some sweet sunglasses. He got so close that I couldn't see him in my mirror or out of the corner of my eye I had to physically turn to see where he was, I could only hear him. I hate when idiots do this. If you want to wreck then wreck yourself don't take me out with you. Anyway he then pulls completely next to me and flashes the "gnarley" hand sign so I flicked him off and eased up and let him pass.
"...i wished a bike would have crashed into the theater as opposed to a guy shooting at us..."

12 dead and 61 injured at the Denver Movie Theater
^when I heard about that story I was waiting for the justified ending where an old retired man stands up, blows the lunatics head off, then sits back down and says "pass the popcorn".

Too bad that wasn't the actual ending...
lesley, i appreciate the enthusiasm but your analogy is shakier than Muhammad Ali.

Still laughing.

And I'd say a bike is comparable to a handgun, both can be very deadly in the wrong hands.

Well said.

You put a firearm in my hand, and I'll hit anything I aim at, but I won't do it in my back yard. Conversely, get an open stretch of highway @ 2 am...I'm burying both needles.

It's all a matter of how and when.
^when I heard about that story I was waiting for the justified ending where an old retired man stands up, blows the lunatics head off, then sits back down and says "pass the popcorn".

Too bad that wasn't the actual ending...
me too - i could just inmagibne something like that happening in Texas.

kid would have been pulled outta the theater in buckets......

he would have "gotten his", but not 12 dead and 61 injured.

"someone" in Houston would have filled his chest with scorching hot rounds....
Never hit the rev limiter on mine. I've owned it two years and in that time have had it up in the yellow a few times but never red. You just don't get that much more out of of it taking it up to the red. Not enough to warrant premature engine failure and having to buy these high priced hard to come by parts. Thats what Honda's are for![smirk]
do it where I can't harm anyone(no side streets, driveways, etc.)
It's all a matter of how and when.
I am a adult and yes I do expect all of you to know when and where to ride hard.This last weekend a nice group of Buellers and I went riding and yes we broke a few laws,but at the same time we were out in the middle of nowhere.So everyone please be safe and know when and where to have fun[up]
Oh come on Agate how bout the numerous times we were in in triple digits last sunday. We could have injured or even killed a cow or ruined a lot of corn. shame on us.
Irresponsible people are the reason why we pay high insurance rates.
24.oo a month dosnt really seem that high to me.but i have great credit wich seems to matter more when it comes to rates.i got a ticket in feb for 21 over the limit the end of march my rates dropped 8%.[smirk]
I'm red lining the bike right now in 5th gear on the highway, passing on the shoulder, splitting cars, in a stand up, but sitting on the tank, drinking a coke, cleaning my visor, thinking about red lining it again with complete disregard to anyone else on the road. Oh yeah and I'm typing this as I put it down and switch into 6th this thread made a big curve don't you think. Ride safe[cool]
I routenly redline mine.... It sounds so awsome when I open it up to enter the hwy I some times forget I'm still in 2nd or 3rd. That's not moving very fast but she sure makes a racket.

I won a burnout contest too. That required hitting the limiter in 1st and 2nd. The whole time I don't think I moved more than a foot an any direction or very fast either. I could be wrong though there was alot of smoke and for a second I thought I saw a kitty.

I think from now on I will just push my bike everywhere so I don't risk upsetting the delicate balance of the earth......
That required hitting the limiter in 1st and 2nd

Not really required, these bikes have so much torque at low rpm you don't even really need to get up above 4k rpm to do a burnout.

I love my bike, don't want to tear it up. That said I enjoy it at the same time.
If we cant have some fun in this life please shoot me now..
I don't hit red line or limiter because i am a perfect shifter.. ha ha not!:)
Didnt hurt baby girl at all. If it was dangerous to hit the limiter then they would have lowered it further so we didn't hit that rpm at all. Just sayin some people pussy foot around too much. I love my bike and do right by her and her maintenance....... This give me peace of mind when I do flog on her a lil bit.

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