Rep Points/Rating...........?..!

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hi 5 for the ideas! [up]

I find it rather amusing when neewbies join the forum and they have less then 10 posts (most of which are comments) and a few rep points..LOL

I do give senior members and the mods more credit as they have been around longer and do know more aboot Buell and are constantly helping others and providing useful info, also the date they joined and how frequent they post plays into the scenario when looking for learned individuals..

just my loonies worth
I can understand loosing my one point when I "outed" the pegasus. But to take a mans points for posting his wifes pic is unconscionalbe. honestly the nerve of some people!

Just help some fellow Buellers out by doing a bit of research and answering a question or two and you will get them
+1 what xtremelow said. some of my 9 little ol points I worked my butt off for making sure I helped some one out to the best of my ability(not for the points for the simple fact that I like to help people.) I also go out of my way just as much on badweb and there is no rep points there I just like giving back to the people who all help me out when I have random questions (both here and badweb)
On some other forums, you are required to give an explanation for the rep points you give. Then people can see what you were given rep points for. Its kind of like ebay buyer/seller feedback
I like the rep point rating, it lets us know who's full of it and who's not. as for the Idea of figuring out why they're going down... I think thats a good Idea. you should put a reason why the rep is going up or down! that would be awesome!
we have all been newbies with zero posts/points at some point! However when I first joined it didn't take long to figure out who was knowledgable and who wasn't. I would search the forum for post and comments from Dave, Steven, Lefox, BPG and a few others. I like the rep points, but I would like to see why, who, and for what reason the points where given. Then new members would be able to see older members areas of knowledge!
I agree Browland and firebolt020283 ..
same here i really like being able to help people and help them find some part especially if i have the time to find something cheaper for them ..[up][up][up][up]:)
I agree with that, a few older forums I used to be on had the itrader system so u can see if someone who's selling something is honest and u'll actually get ur products. The system was nice becuz if someone screwed u over u could hammer them on itrader and explain why! But I do like the rep points, only thing I'd like to see is a explantion of how and why u got the point.
Don't think there needs to be a reason for giving posters a [up] - they're kind of a given with really no explanation needed.

I agree on the [down] explanations though - maybe an explanation multiple choice system before you can vote down someone.

I remember when someone voted Lefox down to almost nothing from 55 just because he corrected them. [down]
I only know where maybe two of mine came from and that's my clubman thread.

I too would like to know who I helped and that they appreciated what I did or said.

maybe just the courtesy of saying that you did it would be a good idea?

ie. great topic extreme rep point for you :D[up]
I remember when someone voted Lefox down to almost nothing from 55 just because he corrected them.

case in point

i lost a rep point today for that today for the same reason, F@#k if i'm wrong or something PLEASE CORRECT ME.
i dont care, its cool, but if you correct me. I'm not going to give a negative commet about it(that didnt happen but i have seen others do it.)..
(unless you b!tch and being b!tchy or an a$sh*le about it, because some one corrected you ...f@@K grow up people..)

and I wont kill a rep point from you because you corrected me.
f@@K grow up people

Seriously? You're going to complain about immature people in the same post as complaining about losing a rep point? Can I just remind you that the rep points mean NOTHING.

Sometimes irony is so delicious.

Let's face it guys, this is a website. It's filled with people who will probably never meet face to face. Any of you who takes anything here too seriously--especially some ridiculous "currency" like rep points--needs to totally reevaluate what you consider important in your life.
So true! Everyone is wrong from time to time. Rep points should be given for anything helpful, and if someone is wrong, correct them. I would would gladly like to be corrected if I'm wrong so I make sure I got it right. Rep points for everyone who has given info I've learned from!
Can I just remind you that the rep points mean NOTHING.

Hey hey hey.... rep points are basically internet points. He who has the most internets wins at the internet. It's always been my dream to win at the internets. [sad] Speaking of internets......

Haha Dave, that reminds me of that SP epsiode where they all try to cash in they're internet bucks. Fuggin funny when they all kill eachother in the waiting room!

Nicely put Octopus [up]

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