Wouldn't say a little, more like alot ! Peter, the guy that started the MC Hooligans has moved from D/FW to Arkansas and the web site is gone. The only thing left i believe is the facebook group which i've distanced myself from due to a couple of HUGE egos and allowing all kinds of other brands ( jap bikes) into the group. It's not really a Buell group when you throw in some rice ! IMHO.[smirk]Hooligans still riding together or has that faded a little
I'm DEFINETLY up for a D/FW Buell get together ! I was told i was discriminating against other brands by not wanting them in the Buell group. You don't take a Corvette to a Viper group do you ? [confused]That's unfortunate. Im sure it's been done, but one of these days we need to set up a DFW ride. There are enough Buell's to pull together a decent sized group.
Rice excluded!
The problem with getting in the "facebook" group is the admin Justin (snareman 96) ! He has to approve of your riding abilities before he'll let you in. His riding skills/ safety are questionable to say the least. But he puts whomever he wants in the group, even if you don't have a bike and if it's not a Buell. [confused]There's quite a few guys on here that are in the DFW that arnt even members of the group.
I really don't know. [confused]Who are the DFW riders?