Right Leg Fork Seal - small leak

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Hey thanks for that lunaticfringe ! Just finished reading through the "parts cross reference" and saw you had participated there; What a killer list to have! Do you have any idea what year bikes member "anrkizm95's" parts cross-reference list pertains to ? I tried his profile but he doesn't seem to make mention. I'm fairly new and the navigation of this and most vehicle forums is such that I probably just missed it. Thanks again for your help

always my pleasure. not familiar with steve's cross ref. list you're referring to but below is a bit from memory that might help you out as it pertains to years and models with items that cross over to automotive applications.

oil filters fit all XB's all years
O2 sensors """"""""""""""""""
fuse box relays """""""""""""""""
IEV controllers """""""""""""""""
headlight bulbs """""""""""""""""
been a couple of weeks and a few miles and I'm happy to report my fork tube is dry as a bone! I imagine the success of the fork seal cleaning vs replacement is totally dependent on the extend of the damage to the fork seal. I'm now looking into changing fork oil without pulling the fork leg apart. I have three sets of inverted forks on my bikes that all would benefit from fresh fork oil.

Well I am a big fan of servicing forks and shocks. I usually take them off and bring them to someone locally and for $125 they will clean the insides out and change the oil. If it needs seals, bushings, washers, pistons, re-shimmed, whatever, usually adds cost of parts. Well worth it to me, you just have to find a someone to bring it to. Most shops have a if it aint broke do not fix it attitude when it comes to suspension and do not service the forks or shock, wait for it to go beyond servicing and then replace it with a new one. I guess R&R has more profit margin for a shop and requires less technical know how? In my experience routine servicing will require less parts in the long run and I always have a Uly or Tiger that is ready to ride 2 up or through anything. To me it is no different than changing the oil in your engine, part of maintaining the bike.

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