right side air scoop for Buell

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Thanks for the email Lefox, but i have to ask.. I don't understand how that can cost so much money. and not just your quote. the one on ASB isn't cheap either. [confused]
do some r&d yourself, make a mold and make one...then count the time you spend on that.

and i would have to say, that nobody makes a rh scoop as exact copy of the lh like the one provided through my contact.
Hey no need to get testy , I was just asking a question. Obviously I'm not going to "make" one myself.. I do like the one you suggested more than the other 2 i've checked out, however that's a bit more than Pocket change to lay down for it at this point is all I'm saying.
As nice as Lefox has been, I suspect he was telling you why, not being testy. 45,953 people asked for quotes and didn't give him a place to send the quote and he didn't get upset. I think he's a ****** saint. I would have started punching kittens by that point.
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Number 153(Bordsnbikes), Your 8 piece kitten meal is ready..
Roccodart440 said:
It would be sweet if LeFox had a website you could order through.
under construction
Odin said:
Hey no need to get testy , I was just asking a question. Obviously I'm not going to "make" one myself.. I do like the one you suggested more than the other 2 i've checked out, however that's a bit more than Pocket change to lay down for it at this point is all I'm saying.
odin, wasn't getting testy and sorry it came over that way to you. if you lived closer, i'd buy ya a beer

it was just the easiest way to explain the cost ;)
Lefox --no sweat man. thanks for the info. I'll take you up on that Beer!
also: [up] for all the work it seems you do, and not getting upset at me anyway [cool]
Lefox, I just got my 09 Ss about a month ago and would like to add a RSS. You can send the quote to [email protected]. Shipping would be to Rustburg, VA 24588. Can't wait to see your site up and running. Thanks in advance. Razman [up]