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Rob's Recovery Facebook Page

Taken from that page: 5 Hours Ago

Rob remains on life support and is in a medically induced coma. He's continuing to remain stable which is a step in the right direction. He's staying strong through his battle and we will keep you updated throughout the day and as information becomes available. Please share this page with anyone who would want information on Rob's condition.

and from what I was told from a friend his I contacted is "****** his **** up bad doing a wheelie".

I know from whenever I rode with him the few times he never wore a helmet and he always talked against it. I know everyone has hard feelings against the kid and yeah its all in good reason but with all that aside he's barely alive. Keep praying and lets all hope he can make it through this alive. From one rider to another.


He sent this to me.

and from what I was told from a friend his I contacted is "****** his **** up bad doing a wheelie".

I know from whenever I rode with him the few times he never wore a helmet and he always talked against it.

.......well come on, thats not a good choice..

but regardless he is a fellow bueller so i wish him a full recovery.
We've all had our dumb moments. Some of ours are just dumber than others unfortunately.

Edit: for what its worth I'm glad to have you on the forum oh9
A good friend of mine was commenting on lane splitting a while ago. He said "Hey we can do it legally but if we crash and burn doing it!, Oh well it was our choice and we knew the risk" Thankfully we have to wear helmets here and I always wear a full face. Ride safe friends!
Thanks wolfo :) +1 rep to you my friend!

I agree with people being dumb and saying things they sould not say, I have my share of those times not only on here.

Wishing harm/death on someone is uncalled for, I would never wish that on any one like he did to me. I said I wish him the best on the first page whatever that should be for him.
I remember that flame war yall got into awhile ago. Sad to see this happen to a fellow bueller but i don't know why its hard for me to feel bad for him though. To me he came across as a cocky ******* and i would most likely ignore him in the future but now with the guy clinging to life it is a bit much and no one deserves that. I'll pray for a speedy recovery and hopefully he will walk away with a better outlook on life and be more kind to others.
Yep it is really sad this had to happen Even if he is a duchbag and has said mean things to others.

Hope you pull thru and if you ever get on a bike again you wear a helmet.
I was feeling bad for the "kid" as he refers to himself BUT after reading the PM he sent to oh9bolt all I can say is karmas a bitch junior.