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I was feeling bad for the "kid" as he refers to himself BUT after reading the PM he sent to oh9bolt all I can say is karmas a bitch junior.

That's heavy for sure!! Creates a conflict of emotion. Initially you hear the news about his misfortune and regardless of the situation you feel for the guy. Then you see the behind the scenes pm that was sent to bolt and and you question why you care. Bolt didn't deserve that **** by any means. A wheelie and a tumor aren't on the same playing field. Certain things in life you can't control, and a tumor isn't something to talk **** about. Unacceptable.

But in the end, I think the place to be is feeling compassion for the the situation. He's a young kid with a ton to learn. I guess if he does recover from this, how he handles it will be telling.

And to be clear, there was no helmet worn.
The guy has been a dick on the forum, and has brought some negative (but entertaining) crap to the board.

With that said, I am praying that he pulls through, and comes out of it a better man. We all have our faults, some more glaring than others.

I think it would be sweet if when he recovers, he gets back on the horse and on the forum and changes his ideas on riding safely, respecting the bike and other motorists, ect. It could be a pretty powerful and influential story about a squid learning the hard way, but using himself as an example of what not to do to help others from making the same mistakes.

My prayers are with him, his family, and those affected by the accident.

This board is full of great men. I am proud to be apart of this community.
This is becoming, somewhat, unclassy

this will be my last post on this thread.

And I'm afraid, I willl be letting this go

Its obvious someeone has to be the first to say it, I guess I may be.

I will support what I am about to say with, I've been an EMT for two and a half years, I gained acceptance into two nursing schools last year and just received acceptance into my third as well. I'm an E.R.. emt, which most people don't know exist. I encounter these situations on a somewhat regular basis. So I feel the need to say certain things from time to time.

If you haul ass on the highway doing triple digits from the cops (not saying rrh481 did, but I've known some poeple who have). I don't feel necessarily sorry for you when you are sitting in jail, and I don't necessarily feel sorry for you if you hit a dead dog in the middle of the road going those speeds.

I also don't feel sorry for a girl (who remains close to me, and always will) who goes back to the same wifebeater ********* ********, because she says. "He cares about me"

Everything being said. If rrh481 was to be a patient of mine I would do anything and everything for his care, even if it meant losing my license.

We all have to live with our own decisions, we all have to be strong enough to put our own past behind us, and commit to moving ahead. I was arrested when I was 17 for street racing. Completed my community service and moved on. I'm 25 now. What's important is that I know I'm a different person now than I was then.

If you continually ride without a helmet and just be blatenly irresponsible, I just can't really feel EXTREMELY SORRY FOR YOU. I will never wish revenge on this person because I do not know him and have never met him in my life.

I feel if what's being said is the truth, he has nobody to blame but his OWN self. If he was a patient of mine I would tell him that (whether or not he was coherent enough to understand) and do everything in my power to aid in his recovery. Seeing as how I'm in Texas and have never met the guy, ill say.......

Good luck, and god speed, hope you pull through to see another day, and if you don't, consider it hy the grace of god, life's a journey, you can't blame anyone other than yourself, amen.
I am proud to be part of this forum as well, thanks to eveyones comments about my sarcastic, cocky, twisted self ;)

When I started posting on here a lot I was trapped in the house for 6 months after my accident, I had a lot of anger because of how everything was going for me, and it came out on this forum. Jobe and rrh were the ones that got to hear from me on every post that they posted in because I was reading every thread on here, because I had nothing better to do.

Im done with the thread jack I just thought I would let everyone know the things he said to people through pm.
All right guys, you have all spoken your opinion on the matter. Let's try to keep the rest of this post positive in hopes for a speedy recovery. [up]
All right guys, you have all spoken your opinion on the matter.  Let's try to keep the rest of this post positive in hopes for a speedy recovery

amen. [up]
All right guys, you have all spoken your opinion on the matter. Let's try to keep the rest of this post positive in hopes for a speedy recovery.

**** you, Dave. I'll do nothing of the sort.

But seriously, I hope he recovers on the quick, and his injury serves as a wake up call to the fact that it's worth protecting the jelly between his ears.
I really he hope he pulls through for more than 2 reasons, but two of the reasons are,

1. Because nobody deserves this.
2. I want to see the video of 160mph XB12R
1.  Because nobody deserves this.
2.  I want to see the video of 160mph XB12R


I know when I was his age I did stupid ****! I was fortunate and didn't pay the price he's paying right now. But as the years go by you learn from your mistakes look back and reflect on the dumb **** you used to and can't beleive how stupid you once were. I do feel sympathy for rr because I remember a time when I took the chances he did. I just hope everyone reeding this post who thinks gear is unnecessary learns a lesson. I hope someday rr can look back on all his post and ridding habits. He's paying his dues now I just wish him a speedy recovery
I know you guys have been on here alot longer than me but im just wondering since u guys seem to know rr better than i.... was this kinda a bound to happen situation?

poor dude i always look at this stuff and wish that something much less drastic would've happend to wake a person up and realize what was goin to happen if they kept up the way they were.
i dont know why you guys make it all into such a topic. we all do the same stuff at any age. young- we think invinceble. old- is suppose to be mellow.

it is a simply thing as we know the risks, and either accept them or prevent them as best we can. its really as simple as that and the rest is the result.

i keep saying this, cause thats what it is! its not an unfortunate accident. it is an accident that is compounded by our choice. so it doesnt need all the hoohaaaar. it simply needs for the hope that rrh gets through it and hopefully has the oportunity to learn from it. and it just needs to be highlighted for new riders.

everytime i teach learners, i really emphasis the above. i discuss the risk and the results. and the need to accept your own responsibility. here we need to wear helmets by law, but many ONLY wear helmets. i do some days just wear hemlets and gloves. i dont force any learner to choose what to wear or say they need to wear this. i jsut make sure they are aware of the results of their actions. the rest is up to them and the sympahty is relative, as should be their own actions after. no self pity if they hurt bad from their choice of protection.

my dad always advised you cant tell someone what to do or how to do or how to act. you can only show them. and the best part of guiding someone is when you show them you take hte time to show them WHY. many parents and people have lost this knack. they just say do this or wear this or behave like that. take some time and explain teh options of results. also by doing it this way and explaining you are allowing the young person to understand and make THEIR choice. it encourages them to think and choose rather than do or be forced to do.

kind thoughts rrh... im still keen on knowing your mod list. [up]
I dont ever wish something like this upon anyone, hopefully he recovers fully, grows and learns from it.

Here's to a speedy recovery, godspeed rr