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well I will seem heartless posting this BUT he brought this grief upon himself, his friends, family.

Many, many of us tried to warn him of the dangers, a few even walked him thru what he as an accident victim would suffer as would the people having to take care of him, the effect a tragic accident would have on others around him but being who he is, he expressed himself loud and clear.

Even a few posters on AOM expressed what we have collectively aboot his riding habits (a danger to himself and others on the road) and lack of riding gear..

making excuses due to his age and other factors is straight up ********, he made his choice as to how he lived and now he (and so many others unfortunately due to his selfishness are suffering), seems typical of the way he portrayed himself to all members of this forum...
..ignorant and disrespectful.

I do sincerly hope he makes a miraculous recovery and lifes lesson is learned (albeit the hard way)
I would never wish such a horrific accident on someone and know from life that karma is a bitch and when she gets paid back its often with interest.

whomever your god is Rob, godspeed Bueller!
I agree with what you said buddha. A helmet would have mininmized the injuries to the head and he would probably have a better chance right now. If i wasnt wearing my helmet i would be dead right now.

I wrote a email to kbc for making a good product and they offered to give me a new free helmet if i sent mine back for r&d but i could not let it go.
I wrote a email to kbc for making a good product and they offered to give me a new free helmet if i sent mine back for r&d but i could not let it go.
I remember when you first popped up on here oh9, complete with graphic pics to boot!

In life things happen for a reason sometimes (or all the time, depends on how your wired) and your 'accident' saved your life and as odd as that seems bro....[up]
he made his choice as to how he lived and now he (and so many others unfortunately due to his selfishness are suffering),
this could be said about all of us riding is dangerous. if we die on our bikes its selfish same as anyone speeding,mountain biking, racing,jumping out of a plane,going to war,being a police officer or any job,sport or activity that is not completety safe.many of us die every year despite gearing up.
i hope this kid beats the odds.
I see your point anrkizm aboot the things we do bringing an inherit amount of risk with it but my point was it's the way we go aboot engaging in those activities and thats where his ignorance and selfishness reared its ugly head...(repeatedly)

your examples altho fitting also show that in moutainbiking wearing your gear is important, racers wear their gear and also have a track to race on, jump masters insure noobies do the correct things while jumping, going to war/law enforcement, they train them and equip them, etc, etc...
yes the odds do add up..

but doing a hi speed wheelie outside your old highschool in mid afternoon while wearing no gear is stacking the odds against yourself to say the least..
but doing a hi speed wheelie outside your old highschool in mid afternoon while wearing no gear is stacking the odds against yourself to say the least..
agreed but i'am guilty of bucking the odds more than once in my life as a lot of us are.
what really gets me is who introduced this kid to riding and the lack of gear being ok.

the group i ride with is mostly kids and i bitched,informed and belittled themto the point that two dont ride with me any longer but the rest gear up every time
agreed but i'am guilty of bucking the odds more than once in my life as a lot of us are.

I'm definitely guilty of this. I'm sure there's a reason I'm still here, but I haven't figured it out yet.

With all the crap that's happened to me I always try to do the good thing when I get the chances.

I'm not much for praying but when stuff like this happens I find myself more apt to do it.

Godspeed Rob, you've got more people pulling for you than you probably ever thought was possible.
what really gets me is who introduced this kid to riding and the lack of gear being ok.
I feel he just has a bad case of thinking he's invensible judging by his past post and comments about safety gear and he said himself NUMEROUS times that he didn't give a **** what people think or say. In a picture of him on his recovery page it looks like he's driving while not wearing a seatbelt. I feel he just has a total disregard for safety and authority.[smirk]
I feel horrible for his family. I'll never understand people who don't or won't or refuse to gear up before riding. I used to know people who stunted or rode just plan stupid. They always geared up like crazy. Even though it didn't always protect them (a few of them passed away). As they always said, tempt fate enough, and fate will bite. I hope he makes it, at least for his families sake. I remember talking to oh9's wife when he was in bad shape the day after his accident, knowing at least he was geared up cuz that's the way we always rode.
i hope the damn kid pulls through so he knows what he did wrong, and helps talk sence into other riders who think they know best. i have and always will have a lid on to keep this pretty face looking good hahaha.. [cool] but no joke get well soon man!!!
That thread was the first thing I thought of when I read this thread.

It is unfortunate, and I could never wish this amount of pain on anyone or their family, but this was a long time coming. I hope he does recover, and I hope he changes his tune. However, no matter how many people preach about how they almost died and gear saves lives there will be those that are thick enough to ignore everyone else's plea's(as was the case here). I mean look at how oh9 over and over again told the kid to fix himself, and what thanks did he get? A wish that he should have died? I can't be angry at a guy that just harvested all his troubles at once though. I can only imagine how his family feels right now. I guarantee that it isn't with the passiveness that rrh tried to make us believe. This thread should be attached to the original gear thread not to make a mockery of rrh but to show the "kids" that it may not be a certainty, but it happens.

Good luck.
Sad story , Hope he pulls through . But lets face it speed + stupidity kills more bikers than lack of gear . For the info I always wear gear and know sport riders who passed on in life with gear . A speeding body against a pole is not an equal fight . Speedy Recovery , or painless exit if vegatable is other option !
Just makes me wonder if anyone close to him other than his girlfreind knew about his lack of respect for his own saftey and tried to change it. I was half tempted earlier to link the whole helmet post to the recovery page on FB, but I have since decided against it.

All I can say in the end is I hope our good Lord sees fit to give him a second chance at life and a diffrent perspective of life in genral.