she wont turn over???

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
Ok so here's a recap of the last couple hours. Road the bike home from my friends house at around 11:30pm yesterday, got in the garage and forgot to put the kickstand down and dropped her. Picked her up and only broke the mirror. Ok so this morning at around 9:30am I get ready to ride her to work and turned the key on the guages sweeped and tac came up and everything, then I turn on the kill switch and no fuel pump or light? I tried hooking up to a battery pack and still nothing so I put her on the tender and left in my truck. My question is could it be the bank angle sensor? From when I dropped it the last night and if so how do I reset it. Or could it be that the battery mysteriously lost charge over night? I get off work at 6 then I'm gonna try messing around with it for a bit any tips or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!!
sounds like the bank angle sensor to me. i have had luck tipping it in the opposite direction and then back upright to get it working again. mine has gotten stuck a few times. if you have ecmspy you can disable it and see if that works as well.
The sensor it may be if the bike was running when you dropped it. But the sensor resets it self when you turn the key off and back on.

Check your battery connection to make sure it wasn't bump loose. Also pop out the ignition and starter relays as one may have stuck from the drop, just unplug them then plug it back in.

Problem sounds simple just have to find it. Sort of like an ordeal I had with my fiancé's bike a few days ago and all the problem was, was a bad ground [smirk]
well i feel like a complete *******.........
after i got back from work i go to turn the bike on and what do you was in gear. Put her in neutral and started up. my FAIL is showing but thanks for all your help and it must be the cold getting to me lol. IT NEEDS TO BE WARM NOW!!!
I did the same thing last night when I was leaving work. I kept hitting the start button and nothing, hooked up the charger and nothing. I got all pissy and went to move the bike and it was in 1st! Oops[smirk] glad your bike was o.k.
my bike starts in gear.. i didnt know some didnt..

ha, when i bought mine i made it about 500 yards down the road and it just died. I freaked out and pulled over and was like wtf!!! called them and 5 min later realized that somehow i bumped the kill.. i felt like an ass
I like it when it's simple. The bike hopefully wasn't scratched up. I'm sure she will forgive you once you put those new mirrors you been wanting on her anyways.
yeah whe forgives me then we went on a long ride last night to a buddies house and enjoyed some twisties :D any ways im going out again today because its in the 40s-50s today and im going to enjoy it before it rains tomorrow and the next day (as long as i remember to put it in neutral or pull in the clutch to start it lol
Always been a habit of mine to pull the clutch in when starting - no worries of in gear or out of gear that way.