SO lets revive this with talk about the new model pic?! These are some comments back from EBR's official facebook page about the leaked photo:
"We are building the engine here, not getting engines from Rotax and reworking!"
"This is an EBR engine, not Rotax. We are building them in East Troy!"
"Actually Rotax does not make any parts on this engine now. They used to machine three components on it, but all other parts came from outside component suppliers. They were quite involved in the base design of the 1125 Buell motor which is the basis for this motor, and did assembly of that engine for Buell. But the 1190 engine is being assembled at EBR."
"Well some is true, such as that Hero is not making any parts for EBR, however, Rotax is not making castings for us either. Maybe the person was not really an EBR engineer."
So my first thought about these comments from the good few at EBR was why did they only choose to answer about the engine? They seemed very direct, fans were tlaking about all kinds of things in the fb comments so why did they only choose to answer this one question, and with great detail? Regardless i need another "leaked" pic to really see the look ASAP!