snrusnak mod thread

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Ok... I read back... hehehe.. new plastics eh? Nice work man. Gonna be looking brand spankin new or better.
yep yep yep! I pulled them out and they look great, all brand new! I'll have pics up sometime before the weekend or by saturday at the latest with it all installed!!!
I'm not sure if I mentioned the manufacturer and color that I used for powder coating. It is a near perfect match to the oem color so I wanted to be sure to post it here so if anyone wants to match the oem color they know what color it is.

It is Tiger Drylac Bengal Silver.
I got a lot done today. Installed all brand new black plastics(except chin fairing), Modified the air box, put in the K&N, and installed the 1" drop pegs.









For the air box, I cut out the "lid" with a dremel, then sanded it fairly smooth, then marked and drilled 1/4" holes in the base and lid. Then I used 6" long threaded 1/4" hex bolts(one washer under the base, and a nut to clamp it to the base, with red loctite), then cut the bolts to the length needed and put the plastic "wing nut" type nuts on top. The fit is great, it's secure, tools are not needed, and looks great! I'm SO glad I did it this way, it turned out awesome. Even the fuel vent turned out great, I just used a little clamp on the screw for the base and it worked perfectly. I bought all hardware from ACE for ~$10.

And oh9bolt, don't even think about commenting on my gas cap...

My bike is running lean again now that I did the intake mod. I'm going to snap the cover back on until I can get it tuned. It was running hot again and popping/stumbling more than usual. Seemed slower too.

The sound of the intake was awesome though, and it was so loud it was hurting my ears at WOT.

The 1" drop pegs(lightning) made a big difference in comfort for me (6'4"). I just need to adjust the shifter and brake now, they are way too high.

Glad to be riding again :)

And thanks for all the comments. One thing at a time...
I put my airbox cover emblems on today, they are a perfect color match to the frame!

Marked where to put them with masking tape, then just laid them on there:




^got the pipe I need to modify my muffler a few days ago. I'm going to be out of town off and on for the next few weeks though, so the modified muffler will come after that.
Looking good brotha! [up]. Dd you order plastics from hd? Sorry if you listed that above, didn't have time to read all the way through.
Well first of all it depends on color, but they are all roughly the same price from the few colors I priced up. The black complete set was somewhere around $750 IIRC. I think white was slightly cheaper.

I actually only bought the front fairing, air box cover, and tail section there though, and it cost me under $500. I then found a new in box seat cowl on ebay and saved a few bucks there, and a new in box front fender on this forum and saved a few bucks there. I then just last week found a used but good chin fairing on here and should have it thursday. Total cost to go from yellow to black(after selling the yellows, shipping, buying new pieces, etc.) was only like $200 I think. I didn't really keep track That includes the stickers too :). I'm very happy with that, it worked out well although I will say that I really had to shop around and got lucky finding new in box parts at a discount.
Bike looks awesome. Love the black cause I'm not a big fan of canary....oh I meant yellow :D. Looking good!!
lol thanks. I'm going to be loading it up friday evening and doing a lot of riding over the following week. Hope there's no issues...
Woohoo! The wife made me a tail bag this evening. Sort of, anyway, more like converted a tank bag from an old bike to a tail bag for my bolt. Will post pics later, it's pretty nice!