3rd Annual Columbia, MO Spring Meet
Hey guys so its that time of year again for the Third Annual Columbia, MO Spring Meet. This years meet will be held on May 19th, 2012 at Reactor Field parking lot right off of Providence. Last years meet had an attendance of 400+ cars/bikes with 107 degree weather, and an attendance of 250+ in 2010. This meet is open to ANY make/model of car,bike,truck,etc, from muscle to import, and pocket rocket to military vehicles (yes we have had both!). This year the University of Missouri was kind enough to let us use one of their parking lots with a capacity of 750+ spots. We will not be sponsoring a BBQ this year but are working on contracting a food vendor to come out. Also, there will be a cruise towards the end of the meet for everyone to enjoy.
-Just like any other meet I please ask that there be no burnouts, alcohol, etc because we are hoping to get this lot in the future!
-Feel free to copy/paste onto other forums!
Date: May 19, 2012
Location: Reactor Field, Columbia MO
Time: 3pm-8pm