strange noise..

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yeah,,,go for the eaby set-up; i could do the swap in a few hours. so could you. save some $$$
Thanks for the input guys i appreciate it. I put the whole thing on hold. I'll pick the bike up and tackle it myself. i'm an auto mechanic and i agree with Pockets... I could build a killer small block to replace the one in my chevelle for that price.
Wow this is one scenario I am scared to come across! :(

I would probably buy a new motor and pop in it myself.4 to 5 grand is ridiculous for a rebuild!
Will be picking up the bike soon, I'll post when I get 'er here and let you know how things turn out. Thanks to all who provided their input and took the time to help out. Chris:)
Got my bike back and pulled the engine.. it's now living in my downstairs. ( i love my wife!) warm, clean, lots of light. I have a bench set up in our computer room. Gonna split the cases this week, and i still suspect a crank bearing is done.Probably the left side.
My best guess so far is the clutch bearing went in the primary side making metal that ruined the seal at the crankshaft and did the bearing in.
As a side note, when i changed my primary oil last, i should have known something was amiss.. it took almost 2.5 litres to fill when the book calls for .95 litre. By the way..none of this is as hard as it looks. So far. :)
WOW.. Hope it goes well for ya..

Did the bearing go out in result of over filling the primary?
hey while it is apart you could go ahead and put some go fast goodies on it like a bigger bore kit or something like that :D.

I hope all goes well with this project.

The dealership was trying to rob you with that 5 grand quote.
Not sure what caused the bearing failure. I bought the bike used, so who knows how it was treated before me. Perhaps sometime the oil wasn't changed and caused a small pit on the inner bearing race which eventually caused failure. It's anyone's guess really. Turns out it' s a 30 dollar bearing anyway.
Money is tight, so it may be a while before i put it together, but it's not going anywhere. I love this bike.:)
At first i wasn't pleased with the dealer, but now i feel they treated me really well. They labelled everything and wished me luck. The service guy Nick even e-mailed me a parts catalogue with H-D part numbers. Gave me his cell number and said to call if i had any questions. That's some good service.
As for the price quote, it's not far off. They were trying to ball park the price and covered all the bases. They have to cover their ass if they're gonna rebuild it right? Considering the crank is worth 1000$ alone, it wouldn't take long to add up.
So, a big thanks to Nick and Miles at Barrie H-D/ Buell. Thanks guys, Ill keep ya posted!
at least it WAS what they said.

woulda been REAL ugly if you got in there and everything was fine, and it was something simple. that scenario sounds more like HD. haha. charging for an engine rebuild and only changing a rocker cover or something.

keep the progress updated.
Repairs going slowly due to $$$. Gotpinion bearing and races will start assembly this weekend. Service guy at h-d dealer picked up my parts for me and delivered them. A 45 min drive one way. That's some great service!
Home renos are slowing down so hope to get it all together soon. Big thanks to Nick at Barrie Harley/Buell! :)
Good to hear you are getting some support! My experience with my local HD is that many of the employees are good and friendly people, its just the front of the house (owner and sales people) that won't give me the time of day regardless of two new bike purchases. As a result, I drove three hours to buy my 1125CR from another dealer.
Installed outer race in right side case, and inner race on crank. Upon reading the service manual some more, i think i need the inner race needs to be machined down. It says " the new inner race must be ground by a competent machinist". Another small set back, but i'm still learning. There's a huge table of precise measurements to follow when choosing a crank bearing depending on your race sizes. WOW! I'll keep ya posted though..:)
are you replacing the crankshaft? I'd figure you might as well since if you put a new crank, pistons, and the lower end bearings in you'll basically have a brand new engine.

it cost me about $850 for all the rebuild parts, but I'm doing all of the labor myself entirely and I have access to a lathe, presses, and all the other proper tools like that.
It must be nice to have access to all of the proper tools, the Hardly Ableson powerplants in these bikes can't be too terribly difficult to work on considering how many complete morons have torn down their Sportsters and made them run again. I have shifting issues and a lot of primary noise I worry about on my XB12, I'm afraid I will be tearing into it sooner than later.