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Look at that Dave you bitched about losing one rep and got more than that in return, it all comes around.

One more time why we need a reason box or some way to know why we got a Neg. Rep.
^^^^ A great suggestion!!!! I believe that deserves a rep point.

Btw, good luck with those rotors. Please be safe.
I know why, it must have been since you aren't just giving it away, no wait hell I got negative rep points even when I was doing the giveaway.....[confused]

Hat do you need to do to get a POINT around here!!!
No jack intended, but how many mods are there on this forum? I only see Dave, extreme, Steven, and very little of buellxb. Not complaining at all about buellxb, he is definately not Blake, aka froggy. Which is a great
i just find it funny how you guys are all worried about simple rep points.... why? [smirk]
I'll take some sexy pics with them
please include your super cool hipster rug in these shots so I can use it for a screen saver..
also I repped you up cause of the carpet...
its cause of everything you do Dave..

again I must add, we have the best mods running this gig!

Maybe someday I'll learn to read.
I feel ya there, when I read nittos post aboot Jobes rep points and saw the pic he posted I almost thought for a mirco second that damn, nitto has let himself go...

Thats it twoguns you get [up] rep point and you will like it. Apparently vanity isn't big down under. lol :D
I feel ya there, when I read nittos post aboot Jobes rep points and saw the pic he posted I almost thought for a mirco second that damn, nitto has let himself go...

I was talking aboot his post count, not his rep.
That actually was a pic of me (web cam). I'm actually a big fat fatty, and all the pic's of me I posted before where of my supper ripped friend.
you guys are funny as.... its an interesting topic, that we believe here as well.

if you ask a fellow aussie 'hows it goin?' or 'how are you?' the most likely reply is 'not bad mate... you?' to which is replied 'yeah, not bad'.

if you ask an american "how its going?" usually teh reply is something like, "thank you for asking... im great! doing well!" or the like.

i liken this to the rep points. and 'tall poppy'. if you have a lot of rep points then someone is going to try and bring you down. same as if you answer the g'day with a 'positve'.

we just get on with what we are doing, rather than look for the credit or acknowledgement.

you guys are funny as.... its an interesting topic, that we believe here as well.

if you ask a fellow aussie 'hows it goin?' or 'how are you?' the most likely reply is 'not bad mate... you?' to which is replied 'yeah, not bad'.

if you ask an american "how its going?" usually teh reply is something like, "thank you for asking... im great! doing well!" or the like.

i liken this to the rep points. and 'tall poppy'. if you have a lot of rep points then someone is going to try and bring you down. same as if you answer the g'day with a 'positve'.

we just get on with what we are doing, rather than look for the credit or acknowledgement.

Well here in America........
Forgot where I was going with this so.................................................................rable, ralbe rable.
I have mentioned in the past I am not concerned with the positive rep points but rather if I get a negative what it is I can do better to change my actions or whatever the case maybe to make myself for knowledgable on a certain topic.

So any who how is the sale going Dave ;)
I'll send the paypal for the fairing as soon as I see the pics but I'm sure it'll be fine.
