Swapped Insurance

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
So I have been Been a member of USAA auto and renters insurance for about 10 years and had motorcycle insurance thru Progressive. I looked into Geico and they are saving me almost $75.00 per month. Just thought I would let everyone know.
Wow thats a huge difference, I also have USAA, and they want me to go thru progressive, think I am gonna look into Geico, thanks for the info.
Dang who knew, I've got USAA also. I guess I'll look into geico now. thxs for the heads up.[up][up]
I have had USAA for ten years and asked them to price match and they would not. I have everything under Geico now, two vehicles, the bike and renters insurance. Something cool about the automotive insurance is that you have a brand new vehicle if something breaks, say transmission and for some reason its not covered under warranty, all you have to pay is a $250.00 deductible and Geico will pay the rest. The funny thing is when I talked to USAA they said well we cover uniforms even on deployment. Ok so I ruin 2 uniforms whats that maybe $75.00 not a big deal. I highly reccomend you guys check them out.
It's interesting how premiums can vary so much as there are plenty of moving parts to insurance plans.

For $75 less per month, are you sure you're comparing apples to apples? Just looking out for you in case you needed it and it doesn't cover what you thought or worse what you Need. That's a substantial difference in premium.

When I purchased my insurance plan, geico was higher than progressive for me.

I looked into Geico and they are saving me almost $75.00 per month
You get what you pay for folks. I have worked on both sides of the fence. Both body shops and insurance companies. Do a little research and read the fine print before you sign.

If you are only getting insurance because it is required by law and don't care how good your coverage is.. Go for it.. Find the cheapest policy you can.

If you are getting insurance to protect your property.. Spend a little more or find out the hard way you should have spent that 15 minutes riding your Buell and knowing you are covered should something bad happen.

Remember.. Agents are sales people.. They will tell you what you want to hear to make a sale. Do your own research. I personally would never buy insurance from a company that floods the market with advertising.

Just my opinion based on being in the industry for the last 12 years. But by all means ignore me and believe a gecko with an accent.
I have allstate 850.00 for state mininum coverage plus 15.000 er hospital coverage.Did an online quote and for 575.00 i can crash all i want with 250 deductable plus 300,000 coverage for all the little things with Geico.They will get my ranger boat also....
I always make sure that I cover my ass. I have reviewed everything and what I'm getting now thru Geico is equal to what I have now and a few things a bit better.
Remember.. Agents are sales people.. They will tell you what you want to hear to make a sale

NWRider is right on everything except the statement above. Not all sales people tell you what you want to hear to make a sale. But he is correct on doing diligence and reading fine print. There's only so many ways to underwrite insurance policies while staying profitable.

You Guys need to check Dairyland for your bike.
My 2 bikes zx10r and xb9 cost about 1 k/year full coverage. Progressive wanted 1800/year same coverage.
And i have six points till mid summer