T-shirts in memory of Delta One

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look like a normal shirt to most people, but it will mean something to those who wear it.

Thats what i like about it. And if anyone says anything about it, i will jump the the chance to explain the meaning behind it. But i do see both sides about the debate and agree with both.
Simple keeping it simple and uncluttered will suit everyone and keep the costs down to benefit the family the most.
I'm thinking d1 on the front, and the quote on the back and maybe the name we all knew him as, delta one.
I like the simple idea, D1 up front and quote on back with maybe the delta symbol with a number 1 in the middle of it after or under the quote.

In any case as been stated here or in another thread, its a celebration of his life and his incredible zest for it. Everything I got from reading his posts and quotes were that he wasn't flashy but life was a flash in the pan. Make the most of it kinda guy and I admired him for that.
for get the vote letArron's sister, Aubrie ,and his wife to be ,Sarah choose the final t-shirt design.
and to honor Arron as much as possible Use his Logo , Sarah gave permission to use it for the Tshirt.

and today I was reading through some old thread that had a new post in it today and was rereading the thread and came across some of Arron Delta One's posts on the subject and what he said to the others and to me ,it brought a smile to my face reading what he said .

Arron "Delta One" was one the many that i want and wanted to go on a BuellXB group ride with
, now I guess that ride with him will have to wait for now.
But I would like to Encourage everyone to get together for as many group rides as possible. Not only to honor him , but also because us Buellers are a small group & a Loyal & Dedicated Breed of Buell Bikers.and it will also help us all get to know our fellow Bueller Brothers and Sisters and in turn make us a stronger band of Buellers, just like what has happened here lately as we all have come together to talk about him and honor and celebrate Arron "DeltaOne's" life and to help his Family out in this time of need.
Hey mods, can you all just pm everyone from the thread when the order is ready to be placed?
My local riding forums is having a memorial ride this month and I pitched and we'll be adding Arron to the folks we'll be remembering
I know I'm still pretty new to this forum, but I'd like to give my 2 cents if that's ok. I have a graphic design degree so I have to try to overcome problems with layouts/designs all of the time whether on business cards, tshirts, logos, signs, and whatever else. I think the 1st question that should be asked is this:

1: What are the goals of the tshirt? The goals, from my perspective, are to carry on the memory of a fellow buell rider, raise a little extra money for the family, and to have a shirt that anyone would want to wear, proudly(including people like me who never knew Arron, but feel a connection since I'm now part of this forum).

I believe the first 2 goals will be accomplished easily. The 3rd goal is what is holding everyone up. As mentioned before, how many times have you seen someone wearing a memorial shirt and not even payed attention to it. You most likely didn't know the person or the family so that shirt has no connection to you at all. My suggestion is to keep it simple. Have the D1 logo on the front and the quote on the back (straight lines of text across the back). Maybe have the years of his life on the sleeve. The "D" with the 1 in it on the front is very eye catching. The quote on the back is awesome as well. Having the years of his life on the sleeve would add to this commemorating shirt. That gives 3 opportunities for people to ask about the shirt. 1: What does that logo on the front of your shirt stand for? 2: That's an awesome quote, where'd you get that shirt? 3: What are the years on the sleeve for? Make the layout desirable so we still choose to wear this shirt instead of other shirts for months and years to come...the more/longer we wear the shirt, the more we accomplish that first goal of keeping that memory alive.

Another thing to remember....you're not going to be able to please everyone.
I'm excited to see what's gonna happen with these and how they are gonna turn out. Thank you all. I will wear the shirt proudly.

P.s. the stickers we got, were amazing. <3
Way to bash someone who is not here to defend him self guess Pos
Ex husband.....

Seariously grow up.

If you where a grand mother wouldn't u want to help your daughter and grand children???

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