T-shirts in memory of Delta One

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I think the d1 with the quote, I understand the name being on it, but it just gets a little busy and we all know what the shirt is about anyways.
I like the D1 design on the front the best. The quote on the back is fine as well, but I do agree that, if it is not originally from him, then you should not have the quotes on there. I think it is a must to have his name and dates, thats the whole point of the shirt. Personally I would like to see his name and dates centered as well.
Just another thought, you could put his name and dates on the side of the sleeve too
Roll off of this one:
I like #7 but I think the Arron ^ Pedelty should be centered. . I am not tryin to be a dick or anything and no disrespect intended toward anybody and with that said. I think we all know that it's not a direct quote but rather one of Arrons' favorites. I think we all have a favorite quote. One of my favorites is "rise and rise again until lambs become lions." I also believe that we all have adopted this(Arrons) quote as our own. This is the bond that we all share thanks to a man that has touched us all in one way or another. I believe Arron and I had a mutual respect for each others bikes and his last PM to me was about how much he wanted a gas mask (like mine) for his bike.
Again, throwing this out there. Is it possible to have the wording have some "coolness" to the font?

a suggestion brothers
lets keep this simple or before we know it this thread is dozens of pages long and xmas will be here

I'm down for whatever the final product will look like
I'm in for a M. $20 is good. #7 gets my vote with out the triangle between his name. I like the quotes because it is a quote. I believe the origin is unknown, or sometimes I've seen it written as -Anonymous. Perhaps you could put that in small letters under the quote then space down a bit and put -In memory of...Aaron Pedelty and dates below that.

I also think having the quote at the top grabs attention and then eyes drift down for more info.
I like the last design but would like to see his symbol between his first and last name like in shirt 7. I would want the shirt in black rather than white. Maybe get some of each?
Okay, I think more people are wanting black so I think we will go with that, I will see if we can get a few white if needed. flaya, can I get those stickers? I could send them out with every shirt.

How about this:
T-Shirt 9:
do it, looks good. i agree with black though. i think im a medium. where are you ordering the shirts from?

+1 for all your work
I'm ordering them from a local guy, I sent him an email for more info last night and talked to him today. I am going to run the design by him tomorrow. He said it would only take 2-3 days to get the shirts printed. I could have all this done next week and start shipping by the end of next week.
Nine Looks Good to me. In Black. The stickers with the shirts is a good idea.
Definitely +1 for all your work.
I thought we was going to ask Aubrie, Arron's sister what she thought he might like on the shirt.??

here is suggestion to simplify the Tshirt.

Can we have the name like this;

Arron "Delta One" Pedelty

"then a Quote"

and if you want to simplify the shirt just put his logo, the triangle with 1 inside on front left chest . Or the D1 inside a triangle on left chest on front.

can we see what that would look like since most of us knew Arron as "Delta One" on here.
that's my 2pennies of input .

put my order in for A Black Medium.
I vote shirt #7

We need a new thread with a final 4 or so shirt designs to vote on - put in a deadline and call it.