Tail of the Dragon Ride '12

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oshkosh area(east wi)... idk if i would ride there in april , depends on weather..last year i rode there and was it long! i may just drive my truck and load it in the back
I may be back from ft Leanordwood in time, if so I'd be riding with two from south east wisconsin.
Yeah weather up here in the north is tricky. If its rough I might take the truck as well with the moto trailer. it can hold up too 4 bikes so if anyone is interested in car-pooling down let me know thanks! I think it would be fun too ride down as a group anyways
I'm in Mid KY let me know which way you're riding down and I'll meet ya'll somewhere around in here. Hoping to have an 1125CR by then.
The dragon is cool to ride once but that's it. Been there once and that's it. Way better roads to ride that have far less traffic and better scenery out there.
Hey guys I live in arizona. Could you get me more details on this event because I would love to come.
won't know till the week of if i am riding or driving.
I get close to indy if you want pm me i get you my number. I will likely either go down early or stay late after not sure on that either
i am interested in this ride. anyone from indy goin down?

I'm in Fort Wayne, Indy is a little out of the way but not bad if you need a ride or want to caravan down there.
I will be riding down from Southwest Michigan, and down through indy. Last year the ride down was perfect. RT saved my butt on the way back though as it was snowing and slick out... Major props to him for that!

But last year I rode down alone, and I think it would be fun to have a few people to ride with this year! (provided i get my bike rebuilt in time....)
Cb750..I take 69 from Lansing through fort Wayne then a couple state roads that drop my in Kentucky on 75 by the air port
State road 1? I rode that on the way home two years ago, it seemed to be a nice scenic road and didn't take forever.
Looks like I'll have a couple empty beds if someone needs one.

I've got April 18 through 24 off, woohoo