the big buell exhausts topic

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I'll keep my stock muffler, and when I finally get around to it (next march maybe?) I'll be sure to let ya'll know how it works out...Thanks for helping though.
What would really be great is a price comparison as well as links where you can purchase them. Can anyone help me with this? [confused]
swood1001 said:
What would really be great is a price comparison as well as links where you can purchase them. Can anyone help me with this?
price differs where you live and just google the pipe and you'll find the things you need.

this was posted to give more or less an overview of what is available...but you do have to do a bit of effort yourself [smirk]
Hey Lefox, would it be as bad or worse for my low-end torque to run just my headers? Just wondering...
but at the same time, the sound alone might be worth it, I can sacrifice some low-end for a kickass glass shattering sound, but I won't do it until I can get some heavy mods in as this...

XB9 Stage 3 Engine Kit, 1170cc - (CASE BORING REQUIRED)

found here :
Also, how does the exhaust flutter valve thing work on the XB12? perhaps there is a way to take that system off a 12 and modify it to give some backpressure on a more or less open pipe.... any thoughts on that?
could be done, but you would have to create a 2 in 1
or a 2 in 1 in 2 to the result you need ;)
I've looked online and googled until i couldn't google anymore! I can't seem to find anyone selling these exhaust except for the usuals (Jardine, D&D, Drummer, etc.). Anyone know where i can find the Sebring or maybe the Termignoni for the XB9R?[confused]
wow! voodoo a non commericalized hackpipe? thats pretty harsh. why did you add it to your list?[confused]
JOEL9 said:
wow! voodoo a non commericalized hackpipe? thats pretty harsh.
commercialized as in never sold through stores or major manufacturers.

it's a home made stock modification.

JOEL9 said:
why did you add it to your list?[confused]
because it was sold for a while through the net and now the site displays a good do it yourself link on (another) forum.
and also, cause dave asked ;)
cool lefox, i get it now. i'm glad you bumped (updated) this post beacause it's really interesting and i've never seen it before. great work and thanks:)
right whats the oudest pipe i can get for an 05 xb12s... remus with no baffles???? i want loud loud loud. i have the discontinued buell sprts exhast..
I believe the Force is way up there if not tops.



Edit: Also there's this out of ASB's Exhaust shoot-out - though it's a little dated.


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