for sound i'm lookig for somting deep not extreem loud but deep like a HD witch's one of the six has this?
-buell race
-ti force
Odie disappears for long periods of time. I think Special O.P.S. is a pretty secondary side project for him. I've never heard bad things about his exhaust, but I've also never heard good things about how easy he is to contact. It's a ****** combo.
okey i got my 2010 xb12sx now and i can start lookig for a exhaust...
don't what a full system just a slip-on
i don't whant any power lost!
gain power is always better but don't has to
not extreem loud soms people say that the D&D is extreem loud but i haven't heard them in real life
Here is the Torque Hammer from Twin Motorcycles in the the Netherlands.
2 year full warranty, tunes available for all models Buell XB