The unhijackable thread...

Buellxb Forum

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It's SO NICE today and I'm stuck at work only had 3 cars get their oil changed today trying to convince the boss to close early it's not working out to well though he's Arabic
What????? It just milk ;)

Who thinks the great state of Tx should pull out of the union and go back to being The Repbulic of Texas ......... I do !!!
we cant meet our budget now take away the billions we get from the feds and all of our taxes will increase and we will go bankrupt even sooner
"It's not like I was, you know, out whoopin' it up all night with strippers & republicans!"
--Fin, out of context
I'm on a roll and its time to go solo........Rollin in my 5.0........With my rag top down so my hair can blow ! Wait a freakin minute, I have no hair ! [confused]