Budda, he is still very young. You might not think it because they were your friends, but imagine if he was your son or little brother. I don't know anyone that drinks that has never drank and drove. For God sakes I have caught my step son passed out drunk in his bed minutes after he drove home. Mind you I am not condoning this kind of behavior, I would have beat his ass if he was mine.(Step kids are hard ones to raise, and he didn't drive for a very long time.) Kids are dumb. Most guys don't grow out of their adolescent stage for a very long time. You being the almighty wise Budda should know this, come back to civilization and look around. If you want to make things better become a politician and fix our broke ass education system, require all citizens to serve in the military, and make it unbearable to be a non-citizen i.e. exorbitant tax rates, no business privileges, can't make over a maximum wage($10 an hour), basically turn non-citizens into slaves. Until you have worked for your freedom, you don't know what freedom is. Until responsibility is forced on you, most will never take it on or ever really know what it is. Our civilization is doomed, our lower class is growing and our middle class is disappearing, and all of our classes are spawning ignorant uncultured spoiled useless wastes of oxygen. I am sorry if anyone here falls into that category, but it's the truth. Teach your children better, make them earn their place in society. Coddle them and it will be their downfall, it is society's downfall. Not everyone was created equal, if they were there would be no special ed class, or scams that ripped people off, and anyone could be an MMA fighter. Unfortunately, it's not the case. This ******** in schools these days that say you have to praise all children for their actions no matter how miniscule it is destroying them. Why would we teach that mediocrity is good? Is that how we have become a nation that supports a majority of this world? Is this kind of thinking going to beat major diseases or find better resources and more efficient ways of collecting them? If you want to go Biblical, this is not how to be fruitful and multiply, ok maybe it is any dumb **** can stick his winky in the warm wet spot, and how hard is it to spread your legs? We should sterilize children at birth.(as long as it is reversible) When they reach maturity, with the right income, health, and intelligence they can obtain a license to bread. Which they could take to the right clinic to have their sterilization reversed. Not only that but if an individual want's to off them self, who are we to stop them? In fact it should be encouraged. Along with the sickly and the dim witted. It is a known fact that depression is hereditary, it would also be a form of gene pool cleansing. I am not saying government should kill the unwanted’s just merely give them a nudge in the right direction. Functional ******* should not be given the opportunity to thrive in our civilization, I do not mean the unlearned here, I am talking about the people you beat information into their heads and they just don't get it. There would have to be a time frame on it.(high school should do it) If the individuals can't get a grasp on intelligence by then, any infraction of law should be met with the death penalty. So yes Budda I have gone full circle, give him the death penalty, lets get this gene pool cleaned up. And lets make it fun to watch so we can gain some income off of it, I wouldn't say death race, but at least some kind of fight to the death perhaps some kind of MMA that you can't leave/eat until the other is dead. Bring on the slaves. I just want the midget slaves though, a whole heard of them.