The unhijackable thread...

Buellxb Forum

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I just filled the sugar thing by the coffee in the operations office up with salt this morning ... lets see if anybody falls for the bait ...
Poured out the blue dawn dish soap and replaced it with seablu hydrolic fluid at work. There is going to be some pissed off guys at work when they have to clean up an oil slick on the water. Hehehe
O, you think I can't hijack this thread? I will hijack it, and you are gonna love it. LOVE IT!
...... It had corn in it .... I haven't eated any corn in a while so this was quite the treat ... I'm sure there's some kind of long drawn out scientific explanation somewhere about how this happened but really all I can tell you is it tasted just as good the second time around ...
Can you tell me what they are now?

hmm, to me that implys that you have alluded to these pics or this subject before.
Since your last post pertaining to this thread was of the thought process that this statement..

I laughed too much at this for my own good

which makes the gerbil upstairs come up with this hypothesis....

you laughed due to another posters comment
i dont do coke, i just like the smell of it!
which made you come up with the idea to find some scientific pics of mucous that was expelled from the human body through an orifice such as the nostril or the mouth....or otherwise

because that surely is not this!

Set the scene:
I'm currently in our Florida (God help me) "winter condo". Nice, small, pool, boat docks out back...

Woke up sunday morning,
Empty handle of rum on my porch.
Bra and panties in the grass.
Now the neighbors broke up.
I don't care.
His dog got bit by an alligator.
No symbolism there.

Haiku THAT mother effers


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