Ticket for wind screen

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Murrieta, nope, not a lawyer...aircraft mechanic. Get from Harley dealer a print out or something that shows what colors were offered for that year, the point of this is to show official HD document stating such info. also use your parts book under "Intake cover, Front fender & Chin Fairing" which also show the colors offered for that year. Don't copy the page, take the entire book with you to use as supporting evidence. Use pictures also.
Dude your screwed...c-ck s-cking highway patrol. I live in northern cali. I got a ticket two years ago for having a blue windshield.

I tried to fight it.....came in with factory pictures, a letter from the dealer and had a city cop write it off.
And this is what the judge said to me, after my argument.... You have a choice pay a $175 fee or buy a clear or smoked black windscreen and pay a $35 fix it ticket administration fee.
He also went into this bullsh-t rant about, if you look at any new or used factory car/bike you can find something that is wrong with it ie headlights to low, ground clearance ect.

Now I was just mad and gave him a piece of my mind and paid the $175

But just a heads up the califorina highway patrol is going to be on the war path since there homie got popped on hwy 24 last Tuesday.
So the keystone cowboys are looking for trouble. be glad all they gave you was a ticket.
It might seem un-needed or not worth the cost, but i plan to get a lawyer on this one. Might be stupid but i love my buell as is, abd ill be damned if some short jealous motorcycle cop will dictate and pervert the laws to his own agenda. Or let some judge who didnt make it in life stuck doing traffic rulings take it out on me that hes burnt out on life. This is america damnit, my country and ive harmed no one or endangered them with some red.
I'd really mess with them and take in an amber windscreen and say that not only is your windscreen stock, but the cop is color blind
Better yet, let's get all Buellers with and without Translucent plastics to show up and park right outside the court to show the various "Stock" colors of our Buells!!! Just say when:D:D:D
When i retain my lawyer maybe hed be interested in a class action against highway patrol and other implied law enforcement "keepers of peace, to protect and serve" (my ass) for stereotyping sport bike riders, and false enforcement of statutes.

Wishful thinking but i really really want to attack them back on this with some class.
Good luck....the only person/company you can have a class action suit with is Harley/former owner of Buell.
And that will just get sweep under the rug since the company is no more.
Oh and the hogs can hide behind the blue shield....with the whole we are just doing our jobs.
The highway patrol will also say that they are ran by the state so they collect no revenue from your ticket. only the city that you were pulled over in.
F*cking lame dude. Go to court. That's BS. I ride through a rich suburb on the way to my GF's house. The cops run the plates of any car that isn't a Lexus or BMW just for the hell of it.

I had a guy pull up behind me at a stoplight. We left the lights and he turn on the reds snd blues and pulled me over on my Honda and said owner didn't have a valid license. I handed him my mc permit and then he let me go. BS.
That is exactly where i got caught one of the ritzy neighborhoods, infact found out he lives two houses down from my chick! Im almost certain hes seen me (heard) go by. Im thinking he was watching for me!
I'd fight that. It's ridiculous. What danger does that pose? What are you concealing with a red windscreen?!?! WTF?!?
Join your local ABATE group and get them to change the legislation in your state.
Get a lawyer,you say he got your address and birth date wrong.If the ticket says different than your lisence ,that should get it tossed without even getting into the rest of the BS.As he lives near your girlfriend watch your back, If he keeps coming after you file a complaint against him.good luck
Police Fail

I've also found that when a cop asks "What's your hurry?" ... The proper response is not "I'm on my way to your Mother's House!"
got my address wrong, birthday wrong

if that in fact is true you just won your appeal hearing. do you have any prior history with this police department....as in they were "laying for you"? being a retired PA. state police detective i'm just curious.
No history, clean driving record, but im stopped often 3 times in 4 weeks on the same road. I just had the mis fortune of my girls neighbor getting me this time.
If you're stopped 3 times in that short of a period, unless they have actual reason you can file charges if it's the same officer.

I have a cop here that likes to do that, he pulls me over every time I go to see one of my friends because he knows I don't live there. Mine was getting pulled over 3 times in less than 10 days though. I got his badge and now he just likes to follow me. I now carry my helmet cam every time I go over there even if I'm in my car.

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