Ticket for wind screen

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maybe the cop has the hots for your girl and he's trying to snuff you out. lol

Whenever you ride by his house just pull in the clutch and keep the throttle open. Hey... it's not illegal to accidentally miss a shift from first to second when you land in neutral LMAO
I am really surprised they didn't get you for the pipe rather than the Wind screen . I know were I live they have no epa rules or Smog tests YET but they just passed the DB rules.
Its quite Funny I live in a fairly nice area and even have a estate tag in my address , I have a old 1992 cummins as one of my daily drives. The RCMP give me the nod on the Buell and give me the BIG stink eye on the 1992 cummins granted it has a 4 inch open turbo back pipe .they have followed me right into my driveway on 3 separate occasions now. I think the only thing that keeps them from jacking me up is I am A geezer-teen and not a teenager . Geezer-teen definition: fat middle age guy who is almost a Geezer
maybe the cop has the hots for your girl and he's trying to snuff you out.

I thought about that, the guy literally circled her parking lot til I pulled back out so he could pull me over the first time. He said he didn't see me drop her off, even though I drove beside her talking to her back to her building from her car.

But it could be because my plates were out of state, they're kind of d*ckish about that.
A go pro is on the list, and i suspect he didnt write me up for the exhaust, or license Plate, reflectors, to leave it open for next time. I havent road the bike all week to avoid him. Maybe i should go miss a couple shifts!?
A local judge used to throw out ant ticket that had the wrong information on it.Your lawyer should have fun with this officer in court.Admit to 55 in a 50,and show it is a 50 not a 60 as stated by him, the wrong information on the ticket, your windscreen and plate holder are stock,and the fact lives near your girlfriend and stopped you there before, the judge might question his reasons for stopping you.Behave yourself in this area no speeding,wheelies,missed shifts,ect ect, so he can,t say they have had complaints about you.Let us know how this turns out,good luck
I agree with raven. the ticket should get tossed because of the false information. Don't do anything overly stupid on the streets around your girls place. keep a smile up and let the judge give this officer the big F you! Depending on how often the judge has to see this officer and his conduct with others, something like this may end up costing him a lot more in the end.
Oh this officer is very well known around town. He has a reputation for writing people up for traffic violations and then some. He even wrote his own son a speeding ticket. My bestfriend has 2 from him on his bike, my girls mother has been pulled over by him and it was not a friendly encounter. The bike will be parked for a couple months so ill reframe from a miss shift or wheelies by his house. Retaining a lawyer is still the plan. Its gonna e a few months out but i will keep all i formed
Maybe you should follow him around and give him citizen citations (yeah, that's a real thing)
I know this is old but in FL it doesn't matter if the information is wrong. If your name is correct and you sign the ticket, your responsible. They don't even need your signature anymore. By him telling you your options and handing you the ticket it's a done deal and the only way around that is bolting before he hands you the ticket but then that's a whole different bag of trouble. I had a ticket where my year, color and make were wrong on my ticket and when presented to the judge they informed me it doesn't matter. I signed the ticket, no matter what vehicle it was I accepted the ticket and that's the important thing. They didn't write it to your vehicle, they write it to you. Probably smart thing for them though so they don't have people getting off on technical **** all the time. It is stupid though, it was a factory option sold in all 50 states......so stupid.

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