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Thaloc...wow, a bit of pent up rage. I can see that I am not going to win this one on here. Always more people that hate us then love us. However, I will say this...I have been working as a cop for almost 9 years, and I have been on night shift for 7 of those years. Almost every person (citizen) I deal with, is completely intoxicated and ignorant. After a few years of being called every name in the book...you start to grow a think skin. Of course there are dick cops. As if there are not dicks in every profession. I understand that cops are dicks a lot to MC riders....and I don't know why that is. However, I am guessing you didn't have the most cheerfull response either. And as for the officers not stopping to help you....how do you know they were not on their way to another, more important, call. I always laught when I hear people say similar comments. We don't run lights and sirens to every call, so you never know.

Anyway, I was just trying to give you some advise on how to take care of your ticket. Take it or leave it. 1SexyBuell..thanks for your comments. Gave you a rep point for understanding how it really works.
I can see that I am not going to win this one on here.
I dont see it as an issue of "winning" Ya I do have some hard feeling towards police and prolly a big problem with authority. But all those feelings come from how I was treated. And actually my responce was "No Sir, I wouldnt run from you, I have never ran, my life, freedom, and career are worth more than that" And I believe that that that night shift and being called all kinds of names wich i am completly sure happens, is prolly a huge contributing factor to the way police treat almost everyone. Ya, alot of you guys are real nice, but not all of us are disrespectfull criminals that deserve no respect. When I got my first ticket it was from a lady trooper who was very respectfull to me(on my bike) and wrote me the ticket anyway, I have no complaints about her, she cut me a big break and was just doing her job. And ya there are dicks in ever industry and aspect of life, but they dont have guns, badges, and the power to take me and mines freedom, I think thats the huge difference. I have done nothing but show as much respect as possible with every officer to ever confront me and Id say maaaaayyybe 10% of the time it was returned.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. - Jimi Hendrix
I sincerely wish you luck with fighting your ticket. Just know that when I stop a bike, I am more interested in the bike than the rider.

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf - George Orwell
I'm all for the cops on this one A majority of them actually ride and as a result are slightly (only slightly) more leiniant... What erks me are the idot cagers who will laugh at the thought of a motorcyclist going down, "BECAUSE IT'S WHAT YOU WRECKLESS PRICKS DESERVE"!!!
That is sick in my book.

Cops are out there doing what very few are willing to do. The bleed red like all of us.

On the flip, it's common sense to distrust authority when it has wronged you. Does a whipped dog not cower until the day it fights back....?

What a weird world... It all comes down to Love and Respect. Love is Given, Respect is earned.

Thanks for the sacrifice bitter rod, look forward to joining you on the LE front someday soon.
Cops have to go into any situation hoping for the best, but prepared and expecting the worst. Major respect for them. For the most part, their underpaid and almost everyone hates them.

Some are dicks, some aren't; just like every other occupation on Earth. Safest way to NOT find out if a cop is or isn't, is just not to speed. But I know, I know....where's the fun in that? ;)
I don't know if anyone is familiar with a 79 chevy impala, but a cop pulled him over doing 85 in 65. Thing is, I never saw his speedo go over 75. The car had a hard to doing 85. That and when you did get going that fast the engine was loud as hell. We tested this afterwards..

Anyway, granted we were still speeding, but as he was turning his lights on and us actually realizing he is pulling us over. A few cars goes flying by us in the slow lane going a lot faster then us.

Kind a felt he pulled over the wrong guy.

I don't mind cops. I understand the reason behind them. To me though there are a lot more of the ones that hide behind the badge and mistreat people, then ones that actually try to serve the public.
Thanks for the nice comments guys. It is, what it is. I can tell you that I have been a dick to a lot of people, but they have it coming. People do the dumbest ****, and sometimes it invokes an emotional/pissed off reaction. There are certainly cops around that just love having the power, but most of them grow out of that. I was raised a different way...I would NEVER talk to a police officer the way that some talk to me. Not to mention that people just plain hate me, even though they have never met me before.

Either way, I do have the badge and the gun...and it is pretty cool!
Josh's74nova, yea I'm good, not sure about his mirror, didn't really slow down to check on his mirror, the bike didn't take any damage either. Fort Knox area isn't really a highly populated area, but people around here can't drive for $#!t... BTW just got new tires on my eclipse, so I'll be taking it into work now and then as it gets colder.
We got a 20:1 truck to bike ratio goin' here in my woods.
That's on the weekend.
On week days it jumps to 100:1 easy.

It ain't nuthin' to pull up to a light and out number the cars,
with a good 20 trucks sittin' there waitin' for a green.

Wasn't the gas crisis gonna fix this???

I mean I gotta truck and all.
It's been parked for almost 2 years now!
I've got a garage full of crap that needs to go back to the Home Depot.
But its gonna sit there till I got an extra $20 to roll it there and back.

You know $20 will buy me 4 freakin' beers @ the bar!!!
I'd rather have the beer...
( I call it my "other" hobby...)

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"The war is coming to the streets of America and if you are not keeping and bearing and practicing with your Buell then you will be helpless and you will be the victim of evil."

--Da Nuge

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