TPS reset failure

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and to get back on topic.....Throttle seems that who ever messed with them fitted cables from a 'Blast', atleast thats what the numbers on the cables come back as.
That ZJ should also have glass headlamps.

I did not, just the standard cataracts. However, I did find a set of glass headlights that are now installed. Turns out I didn't have night blindness.

Cables from a blast? In a pinch I suppose.
The pic of the headlights looks fine. You just leaned over the top to take the pic...:)
I did not, just the standard cataracts. However, I did find a set of glass headlights that are now installed. Turns out I didn't have night blindness.

Cables from a blast? In a pinch I suppose.
The pic of the headlights looks fine. You just leaned over the top to take the pic...:)

I see what you did there.....
New throttle cables, new Idle adjuster and some of those BLUE intake seals (just in case) ordered from Twin Mototrcycles, and a Fuel pump kit from Lunaticfringe.:cool: Many thanks!
Next is a couple of filters and some fresh oils and I can see me giving the ladies some more attention, other than throwing a leg over.
The rally season is upon us here down under so a lot of time will be spent on the road and a serviced bike is piece of mind when a long way from home!!
So its now 2 months since I ordered the new cables.......they arrived last week. :upset:
They are manurfactured by Venhill in the UK, feather light teflon control cables. Sourced through Twin Motorcycles.
While I was waiting for them to arrive I spent some time back riding the XB9r, and finished tidying up the wiring etc and replacing the intake seals on the 1200.
After fitting and adjusting the cables, I reset the TPS using the Dongle and ECMDROID, tipped some fuel into it and kicked her in the guts......she fired first go!! :D
A few minutes to adjust the idle and she sat there idling perfectly, then I threw some gear on and took it for a 9:30pm. Here's where the fun started!
The throttle is now extremely light.....breath on it and it reacts like a whipped dog.....just takes off! first intersection I was turning right....twisted the the throttle like I do on the 9r and the front wheel rose up unexpectedly scaring the **** out of me.:cool:........cruised to the edge of town and wound the throttle on smoothly to find the front end shaking as the wheel got now I was super impressed with the smoothness of the throttle and the way it snapped shut when backing off, a huge improvement over the damaged cables I never knew I had! The intake seal replacement definitely smoothed out the decel popping and no doubt making a huge difference to the power. The bike now working at its full potential and loving it.
I've realized just how down on power and rough it was compared to the way it rides and sounds now! I need to keep my weight over the air box when slipping it up the gears over 4000RPMs and there is no way I can open it up in first gear and keep the wheel on the ground (I only weigh 80Kgs)
So having to wait for parts to arrive over the Xmas period was well worth it!!!!
So its now 2 months since I ordered the new cables.......they arrived last week. :upset:

They are manurfactured by Venhill in the UK, feather light teflon control cables.

The throttle is now extremely light.....

by now I was super impressed with the smoothness of the throttle and the way it snapped shut when backing off, a huge improvement over the damaged cables I never knew I had!

I've never felt that Buells had very smooth cables even when new. I may have to try these cables out on my next one.

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