Uly hiccup

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Fuel fouled spark plugs. Probably leaking injectors or injectors o-rings. When you let the motorcycle sit for short period of time residual pressure in fuel line squeezes some fuel for some time and if you start motorcycle after this it will stall due to wet plugs. If you wait long period of time the pressure in fuel line is completely released, no fuel dripping and the plugs are dry and work normally.
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All, the drama goes on--I can not agree with the Bag as the bike had been starting and running just fine. I talked with Cooter and my local wizard, both agree it is something to do with fuel supply. Funky fuel pump, frayed wire to the fuel pump, blocked up filter on the fuel pump, the reg on the fuel pump.

Cooter mentioned the V-6 Mustang fuel pump was a good fix and way cheaper. Does anyone recall any specifics about that? I searched but did not find.

Next, to tear into it but want all the parts at hand before that happens.

Opto, you have enough time to type novels, dig in my ass about my decisions and opinions in life, how i should up my car insurance but you can't even find a fuel pump replacement kit????? C'mon man.......EBAY!!!!!! Maybe complain about me to the mods and they can throw me outta here!
Hey Chop, I mean you no ill will at all--just trying for some perspective. No way would I complain about you. Of course I can find a replacement, just wanted the info on the Mustang cross over pump and what had to be modified to make it work---that is the purpose of this forum isn't it.

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Hey that is terrific help. I had found part of that write up(10%) but not the whole thing. I also found a YouTube for the whole job but doesn't cover the details in your link. Thanks so much.

Now to get all the bits organized and do the work.

Turns out I have 22,000+ miles on the 09 Uly--must be a lot of junk in there by now. Maybe after this job I will have the nerve to fix the sender on my EBR which has never worked since day 1. It would be great to have an actual working low fuel light instead of having to depend on my odometer--It is going to catch me out sometime.


True confessions time--In this instance I am not going to do the fuel pump repair myself. There is a new small motorcycle shop in town, they do good work and are reasonable.

I am kind of busy these days and just want the work done. Reading about the monkey business to get the V-6 Mustang pump to work, chasing down fuel filters and O-rings it seems that, considering hourly rates and all, that best move is to purchase a new unit from SP Harley. The unit is complete and ready to go including O-rings. $360 is a heavy hit but makes sense against a used one from ebay or piecing one together and paying the shop rate to do that.

Yes I will make sure all the diagnostics are performed before tearing into it. I can always rebuild the old one later and have as a spare.

I am guessing 3 hours for the job.

Thanks again to all for the kind help--will let you know the outcome of all this.

Well, Loco, sorry to appear insecure but frankly I was stumped for awhile. Actually all the results are not in yet so still some mystery. Stranded on the side of a very busy road not understanding what is wrong was very stressful for me. Sorry I am not a tough guy like some. Even fellow forum guys had different opinions--check the grounds, could be this could be that. I decided it was fuel related and have had some support for that theory. Reading and understanding as much as I can on the subject trying to get a handle on all the permutations. All new terrain for me.

I will let you know the outcome when I know it.

That is real helpful, Outlaw--what do you know, really? You should go drink a latte with Tbag
Well, insults from the peanut gallery not withstanding, I will give you a report on the Uly. One month later, back on the road.
Yes, I farmed out the work. Yes, it took forever. Yes, I replaced the entire fuel pump. Yes, it cost a bundle. Yes, the fuel pump per se was not the problem, the problem was the pressure regulator, or rather the filter screens on the pressure regulator--totally plugged with some black sandy gunk.

Small local startup shop, nice people but growing pains -- anyway bike now happening, do not know if I will get a trip in this fall or not.

the problem was the pressure regulator, or rather the filter screens on the pressure regulator-

there is NO such thing. would be confusing to readers not familiar with these pumps.
upwind from the pump there is a "sock" style filter....downwind from the pump there is an automotive style inline filter. there is NO filter attached to or related to the pressure regulator. period.
Well, Lunatic, right away one sees the advantage of doing one's own work. I would not be spewing off, or passing on, inaccuracies--so my bad. Anyway, I think the dirty filter(s) part is accurate.

Which reminds me to collect up the old pump tomorrow. I want to trust these vendors but there are a few things that make me wonder about them, besides the fact that they took forever.

As usual, thanks for your skill/knowledge set.

I suppose the fix is to filter the fuel before it goes into the tank--not an easy thing. On the boats, back in the day we used an old felt hat to run the fuel through--amazing the crud that comes from the storage tanks.


Seems to be all happening once again in Uly land. Last night I got all paranoid and started thinking the Bike Shop had cleaned or changed the filters only and kept the same old pump and stuff. I paid a good chunk of $ in advance. Anyway, I went to the shop and sure enough they had all the old parts. Good to have my faith Not Shattered. Weird to get weird and thinking about small claims court and getting ripped off etc.

So I paid for the spendy pump from SP Harley, and the shop charged me 3.5 hours for the pump change out etc. plus included and oil/filter change. So there it is.

Tomorrow looks to be a good day so I will put 80+ miles on and hope for the best.


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