Uly hiccup

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Hey, Cooter,

Yep, made it there and back again--almost 100miles. Just purred along. The problem was dirty fuel filters, but I think the actual pump got damaged from overwork, also. So back on the road and where to go...?

Right now it is seriously chilly, loving the heated grips and my Road Crafter suit.

Would like to find a fuel filter that I can put in the fill zone to try and keep crud out of the system. Any ideas?

Glad your trip went well and you finally got that marionberry pie. My local had some homemade marionberry pie just the other day :)

Take all care,

Loco, Lunatic, Outlaw and Cooter,

Well, I am enjoying how the conversation morphed from clogged fuel filters to yummy pies. I am inviting you all to a pie fest, with Grilled NY steaks etc. next Spring--

Location to be determined but Crater Lake sounds good.

I have one spare bike to loan out.

the problem was the pressure regulator, or rather the filter screens on the pressure regulator-

there is NO such thing. would be confusing to readers not familiar with these pumps.
upwind from the pump there is a "sock" style filter....downwind from the pump there is an automotive style inline filter. there is NO filter attached to or related to the pressure regulator. period.

Earlier this season I replaced the fuel pump assembly in one of my Buell's. When I turned the key on the fuel pump didn't sound right and would pump up slowly. John, (L.F.) thought it was a sign the fuel pump was failing and that it should be replaced. I followed his advice and did so.

The stock fuel pump inlet filter/screen/sock is fairly small. When I pulled the fuel pump assembly the sock was totally plugged. My problem could have been just the plugged up sock but as I has everything apart and doing the work myself decided to replace everything, (filters, pump, regulator and level sensor). Bought the sensor and seals from John and went with his suggestion on the pump. Everything's running great.
All--my favorite word today is "locus".

As far as NY steaks, Decent Booze etc.-- My concept for a locus is Faywood Hot Springs in NM. It is 1800 miles from my place in WA and 2000 or so from NJ and PA. I am up for it come this Spring. Awesome place to soak and hangout with cabins or tenting available.

I will provide and cook the Steaks (they have a meeting room/kitchen ) and some of the Booze. I will commit to two weeks soon as the weather breaks with 2 days at Faywood. Plus I will make all the arrangements if anyone is interested.

NM has some awesome riding, and great things to see with the Ancient Ruins in the Gila Wilderness. Yes, I have been there before on a bike and No, I have no vested interested in the place.

Loco, a great thing to roll into your walkabout. LF , good to get out and about. Cooter, I promise I won't jam out on this one and D Adams--you probably have enough "supplies". Outlaw, I prefer Bulliet but that's OK.

OK OK, I will provide and cook the NY steaks, make all the arrangements, bring a big bottle of Bulliet and provide all the yummy pies.

Where are the adventurous Buellers? BTW Happy Birthday, John. 65 seems quite young to me. I don't know what all the geriatric chatter is about.


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