Ulysses Engine Noise

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Waiting to have the engine reinstalled.


Engine ready to go..




It's pretty much in.


I did break one of the valve cover breathers though.


Tight fit, so I need to lower the engine back down to replace it, oy!


I think I will do it differently knowing what I know now. Saw a picture showing two techs removing the frame from above and leaving the engine and swingarm behind. So now I've got to wait for yet another part.
dude go for it do a breather reroute gets that nasty oily crap away from intake and not that hard and would it have been cheaper to buy a new engine off ebay rather than deal with all the other crap of waiting for some douche bag to order parts and not getting them for weeks on end. If my buell takes a dump I'll be riding a bicycle cause I cannot afford to drive my truck with fuel prices over 4.00 a gallon
That's ok, I've got one coming from a forum member on Advrider. He had his engine really go bad and went to an '09 and had to swap the wiring harness. I was trying to go the other way and just fix the engine I had.
I wish you all the best good luck hope it works well and hope you'll be on the road soon Its been an awesome spring this year[cool]
Been working here and there on the bike. Routing everything is very tedious and took alot of trial and error. Wish I took more detaled photos. Hardest were the actuator cable and the transmission vent hose. Finally figured it out with copious amount of photos of other people's Buells.


Still have a few things to finish. I have an oil leak at the pump fitting, check engine light comes on and need to find what sounds like an exhaust leak.

So far so good, getting the problems solved. Took it out for a quick spin for about 20 minutes and the gear change is really nice. But then again, it was nice to just get back on the bike. I really missed riding it. I didn't miss the clunky transmission though. My Suzuki just snicks into gear, while the Ulysses you have to really want to shift it, but neutral is so vague. Will take some reacquinting.
thats an impressive job, hope you get all the little stuff straightened out. I just did the rear rocker box gasket on my 07 uly today with a friend by rotating motor down. wasnt a bad job! yours looked much more involved. congrats on the good results! :)
Thanks Matt. Still trying to get used to it again. Been a year since I've ridden it. I was able to get rid of the check engine light and the fan is now fixed with a new fuse. The o2 sensor wire jammed the fan and the fuse blew. While riding to work today, I had a scare, thought I ran out of gas and found out I didn't fully lock it into fifth gear. A little more effort and it was fine there and back. Heat still there on the frame and the fan seems to be running alot. Maybe since the engine is a bit tight right now? Will see as time goes by.
you may have it with that idea, the motor may be a little tight, did the fan fustigate the o2 wire? I just want to be sure its not heating up because its too lean.If no check engine lite on I guess its ok. but the frame was still hot even with the heat sheilding you put in? I went out last nite for a quick ride to make sure the oil leak was fixed, so far so good! I wanted to tell you the replacement gaskets I recieved were also black. heres hopin! nice job again on all the work you put into that uly. you gotta be proud of that. [up]
Thanks Matt. The fan didn't hurt the wire to the o2 sensor, but I did bend the end of the o2 sensor where the wire goes into it and cracked the white plastic piece when I first installed the engine. I don't have a check engine light on, so it seems ok. I hope it's just the engine being a bit tight. Seems like the insulation didn't help too much, but maybe it's because the engine is putting out a bit more heat and will taper down as the engine breaks in. fingers crossed.
I rode the bike to work today and I find the XB9 primary is just about right for the riding I do. 75mph is right at 4K and feels just right. Used to be 80mph at 4K, way to fast for it to feel comfortable. Good mod. Fan is still running longer than I feel is right. Hopefully as the engine breaks in, I hope it runs less.
I'm thinking the xb9 mod is one I'd like to go in for come the fall. It sounds like just what I'm looking for, a little more pull outta the gate.
if its not too lean you shouldnt be running too hot. how does it restart once its warmed up? like the motors tight? or does it crank over nice and easy? recheck fuel feed line from pump to fuel rail and make sure its not kinked or restricted in any way that could cause a lean condition. plenty of pressure may be available but not enough volume if that plastic hose is kinked or pinched. second, get a non contact digital thermometer, I got one for work, and use it on the boat motor, I can tell a lean condition by the temp of the exhaust pipe or cylinder, lean one is hotter! rich ones are cooler, seen em do it on drag cars for tuning as well. available online, got a little laser pointer on em to indicate where temp is being taken precisely. and dogs and cats love chasin the laser. other than that, keep ridin it to help it loosen up. lemme know how it goes, keep it up!
The trans is still popping out of gear intermittantly. I am suspecting this.


It wasn't to be, looked correctly installed.


I wanted to change the fluids anyway. Only a small sliver of metal was on the drain plug for the primary.

The engine oil was a different story. I had fine particles of metal suspended in the oil.[confused] I hope it was just flushed from the oil cooler, lines and the swingarm. Hoping I didn't do anything wrong somewhere. I'll know when I do the next change in 1000-1500 miles.
Since I have the chin spoiler off, may as well replace the tires since the centers are pretty worn. It is my commuter afterall.:D



And new ones softening up in the sun.


I'll tackle the rear while I'm still fresh.

I keep telling myself I'm getting too old to wrestle with that back tire. I never listen and spend alot of time and effort on it. I think that if the rims had more of a valley in the center, it would have been way easier.


whoops, the bearings are toast. Not too surprised as I already have the black seal ones in the freezer. But none of my pullers work with these, so I need to borrow a blind puller from somewhere.


I'll just throw the wheel back on the bike and work on the front.


Way easier and takes little time.


Ok, done for the day until I get a puller, plus short on primary oil anyway.

I could not believe Autozone had a blind hole puller. $170 deposit and it was mine for the day.


I pulled the bearings pretty easily.



Some damage to the spacer, but I'll reuse it as it seems like it's in a not too critical area.


Hub cleaned up and ready to go. One side in and the spacer in place.


All done. Only took about 30 minutes total.


Now to check out the bearings.


No wonder the spacer had contact with the hub. May as well put on the new pads, never liked the wooden feel of the rear brakes.


All done and just needs a ride to check everything out.