Ulysses S. Mouse

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2012
So, I finally found the XT I was looking for in a S. TX barn. It was filthy when I picked it up. Everything worked except the right rear turn signal. No biggie, just a bulb. Got it home and started tearing everything off, cleaning and planning the mods. I'd better check that turn signal. Swapped in a good bulb and still no worky. Hmmm, that sucks. Took the seat off and started looking around. Tucked way up in the tail section looked like a blue shop rag. On closer inspection it was tiny shredded bits of cloth, uh oh... I vacuumed it out and found this dude who I aptly named Ulysses.S.Mouse

...and he had chewed up nearly all the rear wiring harness. Most wires were bare, and I'm surprised it didn't burn down at some point.

So I re-wired the harness, got everything working including the 12v accessory plug, got a Hawk pipe, K&N, new fluids, tires, painted the lower cowl black, replaced the black windscreen buttons with a stainless-wellnut setup, and now he's ready for the maiden voyage. Two weekends and a battalion of 'soldiers'...

I love K&N filters for their ease of safety wiring..

Drilled out the rivets and went with stainless

Looks so much better without the 'tan' cowl. the small bits of polished stainless really POP!
If you really think about it flattrack was the first drifting style racing! I'm in Houston area if any Uly or other Buell owners need anything. Cheers.
Dude, fantastic job! That looks like a new bike!! Soldiers... hahahaha! I love the XT, bada$$! Can you chop the license plate/fender at all? I painted my chin fairing center as well. Funny story though. I had just painted it and had it sitting on my makeshift work bench, then made a run to the big orange box store. I came back and found it sitting in a different position. Upon closer inspection, the new paint was all scratched up and scuffed. My wife had this sad look on her face. She knocked it over accidentally (like the leg lamp in Christmas Story) hahhaa. She thought it was a new piece and that I'd be all pi$$ed off. I told her it was an old piece and not to worry. Nothing a little paint wouldn't fix! To cover the scratches and junk, I just sprayed it with some leftover trunk speckle paint from my Chevelle project, then coated it with some semi-gloss black ceramic paint. So, long story short, it has a textured look that I really dig. and pops against the stainless fasteners like yours (Ace Hardware is the shiznits). Ok, time for the AMA Superbike race at Mid-Ohio. Go EBR! Danny Eslick is kicking some arse! 4th in points!! Not bad for a first season with a new company and brand new bike!!
I don't mind the reflector or the tail piece. There's nothing cops hate more than chopped fenders and a license plate tucked in deep (except wheelies, those seem to make their heads explode). I'm painting the gold luggage centers black today. I have a feeling when it's over there isn't going to be anything left that isn't black or red..."Bloody Murder"???;)
If you really think about it flattrack was the first drifting style racing! I'm in Houston area if any Uly or other Buell owners need anything. Cheers.
awesome !!!!!

i'm in the Hustle Town area too - i'm sooooo gonna send you a PM right now :)
wd40oz - my dad would give you the biggest hug EVER !!!!

he drinks Busch Light religiously HAHAHA !!!!

he would literally invite you over to ANY of our BBQ's.

good job man [up]
Litos man, your Dad and my Dad might just be twins separated at birth!!! Dad still flattrack races...hardcore and cool!

I'm in H-town and would be honored to meet your Pops. BBQ and Busch Light is ALL I'm about...and Buell, hotrods, etc...
I'm in H-town and would be honored to meet your Pops. BBQ and Busch Light is ALL I'm about...and Buell, hotrods, etc...
i just sent you a PM.

we should get married.....
I have the same XT except with the Hepco bag set... Love the spoiler mod... was planning on painting the inserts on the bags as well to a satin black....

Ask and ye shall receive "Satin Black"...These started out tan and were done with rattle cans. I'm super happy with the way they turned out...

Digging the rattle can mods!

Bags look sharp... Had considered doing the racing red, but I think the black looks better and coming from a Harley Back round and we all know black is the fastest color!
Cool bag mod! I'm going to wind up copying that if you don't mind. Also, I bought two strings of LED lights that I'm going to mount into or on the top case, and then tie into the brake system. Stole that one from a forum too. The interwebz rulz haha :)
thanks Everyone! I couldn't find 'satin black' in the Krylon Fusion anywhere. Lowes had this product from Valspar called "Plastic Primer" and it worked great. Scuff up a bit with 600 grit, put on two coats of the "primer", allow to dry for one hour, then paint over it with ANY form or color spray paint you want. The cowl got 5 top coats and the bags 3. Go light on the spray to avoid runs and wait a whole day before you touch them. Good Luck and paint those bags!!![up]