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I live in AZ and wear that white mesh jacket and its not bad. I would rather sweat a little rather than needing skin grafts.
Ya im bidding on the white timax on ebay right now...ALL U MOFOS STAY AWAY

Also looks like ur wearing the Icon Pursuit gloves. quit copying me!![mad]
Hey DVL stay tuned, you'll see it in about 18 months or so...I got trained at knox, sent to korea for a year to rot (during that missile crisis, I got caught in the middle of a protest against american soldiers in korea on my way back to post, lets just say korean nationals 1/2, me 4 and 1/2). Then they sent me back to the Shytehole that is Fort Knox, puss filled boil on the ass of the Army. But hey, I'm going to a real unit in March, 2SCR in Vilseck, Germany, I can't freakin' wait man.
2CR is the unit that actually relieved us in place when we were getting out of there...stupid extension... :) I've got a couple of buddies who pcs'ed over there when we got back, say it's an absolute blast... especially if you're a single guy :D
Yeah Germany is a waste unless your single. I hope you are buddy, or you might be soon when you see whats over there. Hit oktoberfest, you WILL NOT regret it. Best 4 days of my life that I hardly remember. Beer comes in a liter mug there called a mas (spelling) and is something like 14% alcohol. God bless those Germans.


Helmets make the man. Wouldn't you agree LeFox?
Okay...finally got a pic. This is my hard-ass pose. I left the jacket and the Buell dirty...Ride Hard and put her away dirty!

Devlsmurf, Fidosol - come on, we all know there are only two installations in the Army - Fort Bragg and Other.
AHAHAHAHAHAA!!! I can't tell you how many mighty mighty Ft Bragg units (including a few ODAs) who were thanking god when they saw the Strykers role up :D
It's cool, I'll take "other" for now, other being Vilseck, Germany. I mean come on, there's really only two parties in the world, Oktoberfest and other...:p:D[up]