voltage gauge install pics

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mine has 3 wires ,red ,black and yellow. black is ground. red gives the reading. but the yellow only lights the meter to 00.0. when I put both red and yellow to power it works fine. I take it I can just wire them together then to power.??
It's done great idea!
awesome write up.
just installed mine and it looks great!
I didn't solder mine either, i just looped the wires through the LED and used some blue tape to keep it there.
can i just solder any wire config?
No, the meter is polarity-sensitive. I wired directly to the circuit board and identified pos & neg by tracing the circuits back to the connector and referring to the schematics in the repair manual. Easy!
I plugged my gauge in while apart and used a test light to find the positive/negative.
Just did this, but my voltage meter led just runs through some numbers and then shows only 3 dashes when I turn the bike on and continues to run. I made sure I put the wires the same as the pictures...wonder if I got a bum Led?
my voltage meter led just runs through some numbers and then shows only 3 dashe
Is your battery old or weak? My readout did a similar thing when my old battery was on its last-leg.
New battery, since this past April. Saw on amazon that another customer had a similar issue...unrelated to motorcycles...he was an electrician. Think I got a bad one....charging system good...checked via ecmspy.
I would recommend testing the display BEFORE installing on a bike, its not like they are high dollar parts, but once installed I believe they are fairly reliable, but not unheard of to get a bad one out of the package, so test before install. Now that you are having an issue, why not try another battery with jumpers to the test unit? cut out the variables and unknowns.
Just did this! Thank you!!

Bought this one on eBay.

It does show 2/10 ths less then the battery is reading. (But it's a bike issue)

Example, battery charger installed the bike battery reads 14.4 , the display reads 14.2.
Hook my meter up to the display solder joints on the cluster and they read 14.2.
Also some misc wires in the flyscreen read 14.2. So I'm loosing 2/10ths from the battery to the flyscreen area in general.

I haven't chased more to see what all sends juice to the front. Is it strictly the ECM or is there a relay that activates and sends a straight line to the front?

Either way it's an awesome mod!!
I finally got this to work. It was the LED that I bought from Amazon that was bad. Bought one from ebay after the second one failed too. I saw someone mention changing the lights in the cluster, so I changed mine to red.

Glad this finally works.


This looks like a factory set-up. I like it that way.
I never like it when something looks like
an after thought.

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