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This is how you treat a Blast:angel:

Before: and After:

Cooler than I thought it was gonna be. I'll post up deets in the Blast section:)
But Bubbles had a great day on the un-killable Blast:)


Its the official last track day for that thing, Bubbles has amazing corner speed (remember "Blast" lol) but got too fast for it and is tired of getting passed on the straights just to have them park it on the next corner in front of her.

She went shopping...
Pics to come!:angel:
Thanks guys, ya I'm all good. A very soft low side, the rest was damaged with me off the bike. And crazy, but I don't normally run axle sliders ever? I'll put on case protection and that's about it.

I was overheating the front while trail braking, so I stopped doing that...got a front scoop... that needs RX sliders to mount.. and they come in a set... so....lesson learned:(

And that is really the rub. The day was smooth, I didn't feel like I was pushing past any comfort zone at all? I had even been around that corner faster before. I really need to start getting off the bike more than I do now. I feel the EBR really likes body english and responds better while hanging off the inside. Just need to do it more.

The low side was just so unusual? I put on the Q3+ that morning and not even a wiggle from it all day. Rock solid. Then grind/whoop! It was so crazy that checking the hard parts was the first thing I did and surprise! I even thought I just rode off the edge of the tire, but no to that too. Lame but I think better body position will stop this from happening again the same way.
Damn Cooter! Glad you're ok and you have a good idea what happened. I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time.

Shame about the new fairing. I have one if you like but it comes attached to my RX. All, I can say for sure is that it
is good we didn't have the EBR's up in Idaho!

34:19 I'm sure I would have not lost it without the slider hitting. Theres was no sign of loss of traction and I wasn't on the gas yet. The next thing to hit is the spring loaded peg, and after that you're off the edge of the tire. But I WILL be checking clearance of all that aftermarket stuff from now on!

Thanks Opto:) We had some fun for sure. I've been doing a little shopping and register-able frames aint cheap:( I don't think it's worth scrapping mine, but I haven't really had a chance to check it closely...
No luck selling yours??
Jeez, Cooter, you are scaring me with the high speed wreck. Glad you were able to walk away from it but the Adrenalin rush must have been extreme. Tell us how stiff and sore you are after that.

No luck on selling my EBR--a few nibbles but the numbers don't work for most.

Something off about the Ebay frame deal but what do I know.

Shaugh what's wrong with the frame?????? If you are unsure about the frame have GMD Computrack look it over, I highly doubt it took and stress. My gsxr flipped the "wrong way" three times on my last get off and even my subframe wasn't twisted. Glad you're ok btw. You'll be fine next time through that sector after a few laps, remember you been through that sector a 1000 times and only got off once. Don't let it haunt you, go back and attack!
I'm really ok, Haven't you all noticed how hard my head is!?! HAHAHA:angel:
It was not scary at all, didn't even get the shakes from adrenalin:) and I got away with not even a bruise or a scrape (My guardian angel is a superstar BTW). I'm totally ready to get back to the track!

I think the frame is straight, I'm a little concerned the double wall fuel cell may be cracked internally? It's a pretty big dent:upset: If I can get away with a properly VIN'd new frame for less than $700 I'll do it.

I had a really close call splitting lanes on the 405 a couple months back, touching 2 trucks with both mirrors at the same time:eek-new: and I won't lie... that **** got to me.
They're short bar end mirrors:eek-new: I was passing at about 60mph with traffic just increasing to 55 and I was looking for a spot to settle in, when Mrs. I-dropped-my-phone came left across the car pool double-double yellow and would have side swiped the other SUV with me being the Red Jam in that sandwich. I didn't even have time to look at either of them.

I am so lucky the person to my left was on their game and instantly jerked left to hug the K-rail. A Fist full of throttle shot me forward and 'hopefully' woke that SOB up. UGH.
Cooter and all,

Speaking of lane splitting--I think CA is the only state that permits it. When I do it here in WA people get really choked--too bad. Anyway, a couple of things. Driving in CA, on a bike, reduces any normal guy to an adrenalin-junky in a big hurry. Pull ahead on all the stop lights, get through the congestion lickity split. The CHP say's, and I asked, "Lane splitting is to not exceed 35 mph and no shoulder driving". HA Ha on that as I have seen guys lane splitting at 70+.

It is really fun with saddle bags or panniers--and so the sedate, cautious drivers(Cooter can verify) like me, soon become teenagers taking big risks.

Most drivers will move a bit to give you a few inches of extra room, even big rigs. Of course there is always the odd dork that will put the squeeze on you--extreme jealousy and truly f--d up.

Unforeseen hazards pop up if you are from another state. For example, I nearly got rear ended by another bike while lane splitting.

What a show! And yes, a good idea to wear your leathers.


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