Cooter and all,
Speaking of lane splitting--I think CA is the only state that permits it. When I do it here in WA people get really choked--too bad. Anyway, a couple of things. Driving in CA, on a bike, reduces any normal guy to an adrenalin-junky in a big hurry. Pull ahead on all the stop lights, get through the congestion lickity split. The CHP say's, and I asked, "Lane splitting is to not exceed 35 mph and no shoulder driving". HA Ha on that as I have seen guys lane splitting at 70+.
It is really fun with saddle bags or panniers--and so the sedate, cautious drivers(Cooter can verify) like me, soon become teenagers taking big risks.
Most drivers will move a bit to give you a few inches of extra room, even big rigs. Of course there is always the odd dork that will put the squeeze on you--extreme jealousy and truly f--d up.
Unforeseen hazards pop up if you are from another state. For example, I nearly got rear ended by another bike while lane splitting.
What a show! And yes, a good idea to wear your leathers.