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"Lane Filtering" was never addressed in Cali, it was something we all just 'did'. Much like Europe and India, It's a matter of practicality.
Recently the CHP "recognized" it as legal in Cali (CVC21658) in order for them to write "guidelines". Sorry for all the quotes, but their words matter. It's reported as a "law" but it isn't one.

Laws are written tho dis-allow stuff. Laws aren't written to allow stuff. Thank God. But I digress.

I'm pretty sure Utah passed a bill to allow lane filtering this year and a couple east coast states are very close. (Conneticut IIRC?) Things are thankfully changing. I remember Oregon has been close to passing it a couple times when I was up there. You'd think Washington with it's terrible traffic would benefit greatly, but who knows? It usually gets determined by a couple old senators who have never ridden anyway and perceive it to be scary for them in their cages. IMO, I think it's because they are startled by a bike next to them that they never saw coming... because cagers never check their mirrors:mad-new:

IMO, I generally follow the CHP guidelines just as a matter of self-preservation. It's not worth the risk to be going 80 between cars if they are all traveling 70 on the freeway. BUT through Santa Monica, I will go to the front of the line at every light and dramatically shorten my commute by just moving through the stopped cars.

Opto: Your throttle hand is your responsibility haha, and your CHP guy was right, sort of. Their "Guidelines" say use the left lanes, under 30MPH, and >10MPH speed differential... but you can't get a ticket because it's not any "law" you'd be breaking. That said, they have an arsenal of ways to stop someone from riding like an A-hole. Generalities like "aggressive driving" and "loss of traction" for wheelies and fast acceleration. I have a collection of those, wanna see?? LOL
Oh! Thanks SR! haha. I'm going to agree with our current Presidents point of view in that 'If it isn't illegal, It's legal' So I will confidently lane filter in 13 states:up:

I can tell you I see a whole lot of people lane splitting in TX (not addressed), and Florida (deemed illegal? didn't know that) and it seems an accepted behavior by the Po-Po. I split through traffic in Florida for years at stop lights, and even sat next cops in their cruisers on occasion, one time I had just bought a Mossy 590 and had it hanging out of my backpack. I was never cut-off that day:eagerness:

The biggest problem (as usual) is the cagers. The DMV says that only 60% of drivers in Cali are aware that lane filtering is legal. ONLY 60%! and it's been legal forever!?!
Like Opto said, their ignorance can make them mad and jealous. I get pinched out by oblivious a-holes and forgive most of them. I only have a small collection of car mirrors:sorrow:

BUT, If you attack me with your 5000lb air bag protected battering ram and pinch me out on purpose, I will "be in fear for my life" and therefore excused in the courtroom. Your sobbing family will have to go on without you.
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Thanks for the useful map, SR. Cooter, after having the squeeze put on me multiple times I thought a grenade through the window would be appropriate but that was just adrenaline talking of course. It really is a big fast moving Zoo out there.

Last time I splitlaned on the 101 near San Jose--I went through about 20 layers of stalled cars to come upon about a 15 car wreck, trucks upside down people walking around in shock, people pulling people out of cars -- just hideous.

Didn't get to ride today, but had a nice ride on Saturday with Bubbles and....

...her '05 XB12Scg!:love_heart:

She's keeping the Blast (for now, lol) but wow she got a smoking deal on this! Even giving close to asking price. He was a really nice and honest guy, local, who took VERY good care of this bike. Drummer, RSS, CRG levers... He even brought Bubbles a brand new rear Michelin Road Pilot 5 because the new Rosso III had a plug in it. And a HUUUGE box of NEW OEM parts in the bags like gaskets, cables, signals.. everything. She really couldn't be more stoked. I'm so happy for her:angel:

It's got a bit too much power for her right now which is understandable coming straight from a Blast, but she fits on it and looks DAMN fine on it as well. Ya know, priorities! She can't wait 'till the next track day. What have I DONE?!
Didn't get to ride today, but had a nice ride on Saturday with Bubbles and....

...her '05 XB12Scg!:love_heart:

She's keeping the Blast (for now, lol) but wow she got a smoking deal on this! Even giving close to asking price. He was a really nice and honest guy, local, who took VERY good care of this bike. Drummer, RSS, CRG levers... He even brought Bubbles a brand new rear Michelin Road Pilot 5 because the new Rosso III had a plug in it. And a HUUUGE box of NEW OEM parts in the bags like gaskets, cables, signals.. everything. She really couldn't be more stoked. I'm so happy for her:angel:

It's got a bit too much power for her right now which is understandable coming straight from a Blast, but she fits on it and looks DAMN fine on it as well. Ya know, priorities! She can't wait 'till the next track day. What have I DONE?!

Awesome !!! Great looking bike for her ,SCG and all. Bet she is loving it !!!! scored
I was just reminded that when I installed my keyless EBR gas cap (same as 1125 and XB) I had an issue with gas draining out of the little vent hole on the left side of the gas filler neck in the frame.

Problem #1 was the gasket didn't seal. Permatex #2 (non-hardening, and the only gas submerged rated sealant I know of besides Permatex #1) solved that, then that tiny barb was too long and just creased the breather hose when I installed the cap. I unscrewed the barb and drilled the threaded hole slightly smaller than 5/32", then stuck the hose it comes with right in the hole (I even had to notch the mounting boss for the top left allen for that tiny hose to pass without creasing), out the drain hole on the left of the neck, under the airbox, down to the bottom.

A PITA, but it solved the issue completely. It lets fumes out but is too small and too long for any significant fluid flow.

First ya don't know, then ya know....
My hose did not like gas, took off plugged the hole with JBW ,tank is vented to the charcoal canister which is now vented out of the air box .

gas tube005.jpg gas tube010.jpg IMG_1168.jpg
I'm looking hard into an EBR and I've been reading through posts here, on the EBR forum, and just about any facebook group that I can get my hands on. I understand that when you migrate a few people into a group together, 1/10 posts will be problem related, and while it seems high, it still represents a very small portion bikes on the road.

I love the specs from what I've read and it seems like it may be for me. I don't do track days and I don't ride terribly hard, but I'd like something that is light, power heavy, and has an intuitive feel to it. Does an EBR sound like the bike for me? I currently own an 1125CR and a XB12S, so I'm not a complete novice when it comes to Buell, but I'm curious if an 1190 is essentially a more refined 1125. Also, what is a good price for one? I'm not bothered by driving a decent distance to snag one.

Thank you for all of your wealth and knowledge, even if you didn't know that a lot of people read your posts and are pleased with your findings.
If you like your 1125CR and want it to be a little better in every way, including a LOT more power, I'd say go for it:eagerness:

The 1125's like yours have their 'problems' too, right? None of them major, and none of them terribly expensive to fix. Same with the 1190's. People assume that if their one bike had an issue every bike will have that issue and that's just not true. MY 2014 #24 has been a champ, and I beat that poor girl every chance I get.

EBR facebook poster: 'Boo Hoo, feel bad for me, I need to buy a $350 dash for a $20,000 bike (that I only paid $10K for... brand new)'.

Try paying $20K for a Ducati and having the same problem. Now add a zero to the cost of the parts, and wait 4 weeks to fix it.... The EBR is a win every time, and new parts are easy to get.

As far as their current cost, I'd happily pay $9K for a fresh EBR. PM Optomist, his is for sale:up:
I'm looking hard into an EBR and I've been reading through posts here, on the EBR forum, and just about any facebook group that I can get my hands on. I understand that when you migrate a few people into a group together, 1/10 posts will be problem related, and while it seems high, it still represents a very small portion bikes on the road.

I love the specs from what I've read and it seems like it may be for me. I don't do track days and I don't ride terribly hard, but I'd like something that is light, power heavy, and has an intuitive feel to it. Does an EBR sound like the bike for me? I currently own an 1125CR and a XB12S, so I'm not a complete novice when it comes to Buell, but I'm curious if an 1190 is essentially a more refined 1125. Also, what is a good price for one? I'm not bothered by driving a decent distance to snag one.

Thank you for all of your wealth and knowledge, even if you didn't know that a lot of people read your posts and are pleased with your findings.

EBR have many problems and typical for American-made motorcycles with exception of Polaris and XR1200 which are decent but not nearly as well engineered as Suzuki Savage or Kawasaki SunLite.
EBR suffer from Condensation in speedometer cluster... white dust in headlight.... throttle bodies coming off of the intake tracts... comms error with speedo from bad solder joints.... coolant tank tabs break.... header cracks for no apparent reason...valve adjustments unnecessarily low mileage and impossible for home mechanic to perform. Cannot Recommend EBR. Cannot recommend inferior parts and build quality. And I will not.
Honda motorcycles all superior build quality and can recommend along with Kawasaki and Suzuki motorcycles.
BMW motorcycles the finest in the world and vastly superior to all American and Asian Hyosung motorcycles also. but BMW not affordable by board members on this forum who are the types that buy $1900 garbage from CraigsList then expect BMW quality and superiority. Qianjiang and Lifan and JialingTang superior to all Buell but fasteners need properly torqued.

EBR have many problems and typical for American-made motorcycles with exception of Polaris and XR1200 which are decent but not nearly as well engineered as Suzuki Savage or Kawasaki SunLite.
EBR suffer from Condensation in speedometer cluster... white dust in headlight.... throttle bodies coming off of the intake tracts... comms error with speedo from bad solder joints.... coolant tank tabs break.... header cracks for no apparent reason...valve adjustments unnecessarily low mileage and impossible for home mechanic to perform. Cannot Recommend EBR. Cannot recommend inferior parts and build quality. And I will not.
Honda motorcycles all superior build quality and can recommend along with Kawasaki and Suzuki motorcycles.
BMW motorcycles the finest in the world and vastly superior to all American and Asian Hyosung motorcycles also. but BMW not affordable by board members on this forum who are the types that buy $1900 garbage from CraigsList then expect BMW quality and superiority. Qianjiang and Lifan and JialingTang superior to all Buell but fasteners need properly torqued.


Did you say Tea bag on a BMW tea bagging it for sure. ???
Wtf? Boots and no gloves. Sorry I’m rather attached to my hands. Well and maybe a textile CE rated condom…jic