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It just is for bragging rights, It makes more power than I can use, To be honest the power it has scares me .:applause:
The EBR has been sitting around far too long. Probably 4 months since it was run. Today was the day. Charged at 2 amps for 4 hours and it flashed right up. Sounds good and ready.

Not so ready are both clutch and front brake Master. The don't pump up at all--Would those bellows or whatever just dry up sitting around?

Lots of fluid in the reservoirs, no drips on the floor --they worked fine back in October:)

I have heard this happening before but not to both, You will need to bleed them both. My EBR has never sleep more 7 days max. It must have to do with realigning of the moon . keep us posted
Well I will let you all know when I get them going.

Lunatic--Sadly, I am leaning towards your last comment "quality of components". Pretty simple systems and I never had this sort of issue ever.

Like I say, they worked just fine when I put the bike up--no leaks, lots of fluid etc. True, I do not know bellows from brownies but you get the drift.

Silver, Yes I parked the RX and have done all my biking for the last year on the Uly. It is my high miler and have done many 5-600 mile days. I keep it around(EBR) in case anyone comes to visit and needs a bike to ride.

Wow Opto, thats rare to say the least... and to BOTH of them simultaneously?:upset:

I'm just spitballing, but I wonder if it's a combo of condensation in the fluid (brake fluid is hygroscopic) and being frozen in your garage? I'm guessing its not heated and you're way up there where theres more mooses than peoples:black_eyed:

No matter, re-build kits are less than $20 and it's a cinch to pop out the snap ring to swap the pistons, flush and bleed with DOT 4 like the cap says. EZ PZ.
Actually rarer yet as I checked the rear brake master and it is pretty funky also- a trifecta! The bike never froze as I keep a bit of heat on --There are canned goods in there as well as laundry so freezing would be a disaster.

Believe it or not but we have electricity to the property and everything. I think there are considerably more drug addicts then moose in the region.

I have been thinking of Mendicino County quite a bit of late.

Since Stella doesn't need anything (as usual) and the EBR is prepped and ready for the next track day at LVMS, I might as well do a slightly early service on the Brutalé. I find it very comforting to work late on this quiet Sunday night. Ya I know I'm weird:black_eyed:


At least I don't have to split this one in HALF (Ahem, cough, cough):black_eyed:
Theres a couple out by .002mm but being shim under bucket I'll get all cray-cray-middle-of-the-spec perfect, and hopefully avoid having to do it again at the next service.

In the meantime I had a great day yesterday finishing little details of the perfect bike hauler Josephine Dirté!
First I swapped the open carrier for a posi unit. The 3.08's are fine for long distance at speed and it's still pathetic to buy anything for a 8.2" rear but heck, I really need to leave 11's! The one tire fire ain't cutting it and donuts>burnouts:angel:

It was an easy swap, thankfully got a good pattern first try! So feeling good, I decided to attack the worst bit of cancer on the rear 1/4. I'm NO body man, but I'd never use construction foam to fix sheet metal. Grrrr.
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I had bought one of those air powered flanging/punch tools and for $39 it worked really well to prep the edge of the 1/4 panel and punch spot weld holes in the patch panel:up:
Just a little bondo and sanding later...
Lucky me! I found a can of Krylon high temp silver BBQ paint that actually matches the "Millennium Falcon silver" on the truck pretty well:) 821C54E4-3A3F-47BB-B043-212CBE1F03BE.jpg


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Bubbles and I had realized that 2 bikes and overnight camping gear is a little much for the tiny El Co bed. We need a little more room for stuff and the added utility of a trailer hitch would be a welcome addition. It IS a truck ya know;)

When I put the ebay rear bumper on the JK I just sold, it came with a hitch in it, so I had removed the stock "tow package" bolt on receiver. Guess where it ended up?
Some 1/4" thick angle to the frame rails and a 2x3" 1/4 wall sq tube makes for a stout hitch. I pity the Foo who rear ends me now!
sorry for the pics from Australia :(

I added an old flip down plate bracket from a 90's IROC Camaro, wired up a 4-pin plug and Bam! All hitched up
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Been Social Distancing with friends in the Angeles Forest a lot lately. With all the track days cancelled, I'm seriously considering putting a headlight and signals on the EBR race plastics. I miss my girl! The Brutalé will have to do and frankly it does really really well:rolleyes:
But for now I'll try to stay motivated and add some more car content to my rambling thread. Hey man, its MY thread! LOL

Thankfully we got most of the jobs in the shop all done and shipped before the shut-down so I pulled out and zero-ed the chassis for the '57 again:D
If you are keeping score the SBC turned into the BBC from the roll-over Blazer (Lord please help me down this wormhole), mocked up a crossmember to hold the body mounts, trailing arm pivots, and frame bracing, and set in the exhaust. I REALLY want to have full exhaust, I remember how LOUD this engine is through dual Flowmasters.
The '2-piece' 57 frame is really thin, so I feel I need to make weld-plate for all the attachment points.

And horrific old frame 'repairs'. Ugh. I had to patch a big hole from the inside, grind flush, make this plate and attach it. Then do the other side.

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