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Sweet SR! Since our EBR's are so similar, I'm super curious to see the sheet:)

And what did the Bimmer do?

The tech said EBR was not a good pull there is more there for sure. What do ya what for free ,it was a fund raiser event.
IMG_1883.jpg IMG_1882.jpg
My dyno guy had issues with the rear tire slipping until it warmed up:) A good problem to have, haha.

I dunno what your dyno guy meant but your EBR's AFR looks awesome! (better than the Bimmers:eek-new:) as does that nice straight curve. Not sure what he would do to change it? The tiny dip at 7-8000rpm is what Tim at IDS says they battled for a long time, it's almost non-existent now. I won't post what exhaust he said was the best for that.

Weird he has speed instead of RPM, and no torque line graphed but your right, run 'em for charity! Thats what I say:)
You are right SR and probably not, honestly. But what were you looking for? Hero-one-time numbers? See the beauty the EBR curve has. Obsurdly more in the 'fun' and 'usable' ranges and even when directly compared to the V-Twin bike the EBR was meant to de-throne;).
A matter of preference, you might say?
I (we?) prefer the dedicated SLAM! of torque from 7500 to 10,500 rpm redline. The absolute smack of thrust on a whim without the need for hunting gears.

Others like to ride the 11,750-12,250 rush of panic, tourette shifting to the beat of Tom Grosset.

Good times, bad times. Ya know I've had my share.
But a motorcycle called EBaaaaaR,
Is the one that has no compaaaaarrrrreeeee.
Closer to this one .The tech told me that it was not a good pull and explained to me but it was over my head or I would share with you . :confused:
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SR, I know who posted that one-off dyno sheet. Everyone else who dyno's their EBR with the that same equipment (we both have) is right where we are, almost 20rwhp less than that sheet shows.

Even though you and I (and others) are a sea level, keep in mind there are many ways to 'tweak' the results on a dyno printout. I'm not saying thats what happened with the one you posted, I'm just saying I haven't seen another.

With the AFR looking that nice and the curve that smooth, I wouldn't know what to do to get that much more power out of the bike!
It just is for bragging rights, It makes more power than I can use, To be honest the power it has scares me .:applause:
The EBR has been sitting around far too long. Probably 4 months since it was run. Today was the day. Charged at 2 amps for 4 hours and it flashed right up. Sounds good and ready.

Not so ready are both clutch and front brake Master. The don't pump up at all--Would those bellows or whatever just dry up sitting around?

Lots of fluid in the reservoirs, no drips on the floor --they worked fine back in October:)

I have heard this happening before but not to both, You will need to bleed them both. My EBR has never sleep more 7 days max. It must have to do with realigning of the moon . keep us posted
Well I will let you all know when I get them going.

Lunatic--Sadly, I am leaning towards your last comment "quality of components". Pretty simple systems and I never had this sort of issue ever.

Like I say, they worked just fine when I put the bike up--no leaks, lots of fluid etc. True, I do not know bellows from brownies but you get the drift.

Silver, Yes I parked the RX and have done all my biking for the last year on the Uly. It is my high miler and have done many 5-600 mile days. I keep it around(EBR) in case anyone comes to visit and needs a bike to ride.

Wow Opto, thats rare to say the least... and to BOTH of them simultaneously?:upset:

I'm just spitballing, but I wonder if it's a combo of condensation in the fluid (brake fluid is hygroscopic) and being frozen in your garage? I'm guessing its not heated and you're way up there where theres more mooses than peoples:black_eyed:

No matter, re-build kits are less than $20 and it's a cinch to pop out the snap ring to swap the pistons, flush and bleed with DOT 4 like the cap says. EZ PZ.