What did you do for your Buell today?

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wtf, how is this on the 5th page!? Lol, well YESTERDAY I got my CR back together and she starts! I hear no knocking, nothing bad going on, very pleased with myself and proud. I also couldve have adjusted the valves without the help of Dean! I even did a burn out for success!

Today im going to finish some more stuff on her such as, heated grips, putting my turn signals on the new bars, and installing the new clutch master.
Tried the red skins on for a change! :) (no the blue ones aren't for sale! :D )


I also re-polished the headers and took her for for a 38° burn around the neighborhood to burn the WD-40 off of her (did that with no plastics! ;) ). Spring has to be around the bend right!?!?!?!?!?!? [confused]
Amsoil change both holes with K&N oil filter. Looked for an annoying little rattle I've had for awhile. Could'nt ride it was snowing.
I decided I relay like this thread, I can post stuff as I do it and im not expected to do some in detail build. But if you have questions or want to see something just ask.

I got all of my gasket surfaces cleaned up, Piston rings gaped, Jugs cleaned and prepped.

I haven't been able to find any information of anybody else who has installed these pistons. Here they are vs. the stock 9 piston. Any body know the weight of a stock 12 piston?


With rings, wrist pin, clips


These are for sale if anybody is interested...
I repaired my rear break line . It had a pin hole leak right off the Bango fitting . Put it so I could let solder run in where the line and the fitting are pressed together . Heated it up and used solder to seal it . Changed out the break fluid in the front while it was at it
Good thing I didn't ride it to work today ! I went for a ride after work and I heard a weird noise , turned around and went back . When I pulled the derby cover the trans was almost dry . Put some fluid in it and its fine , don't know where it went it dont seem to have a leak
frame is off to powdercoat and this is the engine for the Lightning.

( not actually aassembled just checking the now top end)

that is beforeand after
Replaced my home made catch can with this one.

It's also available in silver. It just barely fits between the left side scoop and the primary - not too bad. I'll have to try and post a pic later.
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