Well i did F**K all for my buell today, its a spoilt bitch already! lol and who let the bloody English on here anyway! Cooter dont worry i can speak both languages buddy! see! lol :eagerness:
Hahaha... Bleedin' lundoners...all the bleedin' same! pie mash and liquor mate? as for the Buell, well its been cleaned, but that is about it, for the moment...
- Installed Navset on steeringbar,
- Installed HID Xenon for better night ride,
- Removed old oilline because of a leak, and waiting for the new one to arrive...
Tried grinding the roll up door seal to the shop to slope better and have a slight lip as rain water runs in, worked well, but the jambs still leak. ARGH. Poor buell is grey now!
After last night's hobby hours, got her up and running this early morning... man what a blast after some small regular maintenance! Cleaned K&N airfilter, new oil+oilfilter. Replaced leaking oilline for the oilcooler. And added HID and a 12V docking for navset. Instand love again for this machine while driving her... ;-)
Not the buell, that's getting a couple crash parts replaced and some new rubber and brake pads before riding starts. But first... My darling bride needs some new suspension on her SV. She's got a Penske in the back, and the front got heavier oil a while ago. Well, the front's just not up to snuff. So tonight the fork legs came off so that we can drop them off at a shop to retrofit cartridges inside. It shall be adjustable now, at long last! Next up is a new spring for the Penske. She's lost some weight and now the back is really stiff. We can't enough preload in it, should be around 30mm and it's only giving about 10mm with the spring backed off as far as it will safely go. We'll get that changed out as soon as the forks are back on.