what does your screen name mean?

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This is my catholic name and means 'rock or stone'.
As far as I know it comes from early Armenian language.
The whole post-nuclear idea. I like to make modifications too.


Well Jay is short for Jason and mil is short for Milwaukee which is where I live. I know very creative lol
Ducrider.Well its pretty easy too.I owned Ducati's when I pick the name up and have keep it.All my riding buddies call me Duc.
bodhisattva n. Buddhism An enlightened being who, out of compassion, forgoes nirvana in order to save others.

Mine was give to me during my Special Forces traning, after working with some British SAS who had some Gurka fighters with them. I was doing some instructing about 20 years ago. and the name just stuck to this day.
I am not sure what the word actually means but it's on my drivers license as well......[up]
RADO = two things i live in the great state of Colorado and i also drive a Chevy Colorado it was just coincidence i really meant it for my truck.
Buell for my xb and 14 is my favorite lucky number and i just doubled it.
Thought I'd bring this one back.

Mines fairly self explanatory. I'm a Crew Chief on UH-60 Mike Model Blackhawks in the Army. Planning on going to flight school and bocoming a pilot here soon but will be a Crew Dawg at heart.
In German languege Sonder (pronounced like Zonder) means Special.
Mann in German means - man :p
So special man is my name :D
Why I am German named is just because I have learned this language for a couple of years. Ja Ja-a-a-a-a:D:D:D
Anarchism is the political belief that society should have no government, laws, police, or other authority, but should be a free association of all its members. William Godwin, an important anarchist philosopher in Britain during the late 18th century, believed that the "euthanasia of government" would be achieved through "individual moral reformation". 95 for my bronco